The bible in the book of Ephesians declares that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers of the air and so on. And there is just a concept around this mentality of fighting and wrestling that I just want to share right now.
The thing is we do not fight to participate, or just to get something of our shoulders but if we realise we are in a battle, then we fight to win. We fight not so as to just get some chore done but we must fight to win or else we will lose.
The particular word for wrestle used in this portion of scripture means fighting to the point were one has the opponent’s throat in my hands-a picture that is a bit graphic but one that we must carry if we are to win. Because this definitely is the mentality that the enemy has. The devil, temptation and sin are not our friends-how often though do we foster this and treat it like some welcome part of our lives. And now aware of this and the place we wrestle in, we need to realise we are fighting to win.
We are fighting to remove all the influence of the devil in our lives, in our families and in our culture and see all the promises of God true and alive in our lives. And we need to know as well what our victory will look like lest we just go through the motions of life, prayer and church meetings.
The fight we are fighting and the victory that we need to see alive in our lives is the entire benefits of the cross upon us as a people and as a nation; the blessing of peace, love, health, prosperity, joy, fruitful relationships and life immortal.
We are fighting to see the healing of the broken hearted, the breaking of the yoke of sin upon entire cities and nation, the restoration of family where it has been broken and the beginning of an even better unit where none has existed. We are fighting to see cultural strongholds of lust, greed, immorality and hatred broken for all of this is from the enemy and again I make my rally call that we are fighting to win.
So let me remind you my friend, you are in a battle and as you fight, you are fighting to win.
Be blessed.