Many a time we as humans will take back our word. We will say I didn’t mean that or I was only joking and the like. We will say or promise things we have no intention of fulfilling and as a result a trail of pain and heartache is often in our wake: the story of the promises we did not keep and the careless words we flung like gravel into our loved one’s faces. But not so with God.
Not a single word God speaks is in vain; not a single one escapes without a purpose or plan. There is a scripture in the book of Psalms that says Even above His name has the Lord exalted his word. At first I thought is a theological farce when I heard someone say even above His name has the Lord exalted His Word. It didn’t think it made sense and it was technically blasphemy in my eyes. Now try to imagine how it blew my mind when I realised that actually it was a verse in scripture that if memory serves me right is actually repeated a few times in scripture. At that moment; the significance of the Word of God assumes a whole new dimension in your mind.
The Word of God is more than mere words: it is the decree of an all powerful King of His will that no force on Earth, in Heaven and under the Earth can stop. It expresses how the most powerful being intends to exert His influence and for its execution; there is Spirit of God-He who hovered over the formless Earth and effected the execution of the word of creation: who overshadowed Mary and the virgin conceived and who saw to it that at the Word of Jesus, at that of the prophets before Him and the apostles and saints after was made to come to pass. Never is there a moment when without purpose the word escapes His mouth.
In the book of Isaiah, the word of God is compared to the rain and to the snow (dew in another translation)-Neither of which can fall and fail to result in the joyous and sensuous response of nature; from the plants that become lush and green, to the refreshing sharp scent of rain on soil that is refreshingly surreal. It cannot rain and we not see plants grow greener and tufts of newly coming to life green grass bursting from the soil; trees that once shed their leaves being restored to their full glory and here in Africa, the rasping sound of a croaking frog erupting through the night from nearby water bodies.
Every time without fail, when it rains there is a response from the vast plethora of life within the ecosystem and so it is with the Word of God. To whom it is spoken, for the person to whom it is scent, it accomplishes the task. More than this, it is further described to be fruitful in the thing for which it is scent. This is a farming comparison which may be lost on many a city folk but I will explain. If you have two mango trees (I choose them because it is the season) and you have a tree which produces say 20 mangos in total over the entire season it is supposed to give fruit you will never in a million years describe it as fruitful. You will be disheartened, you will consider chopping it down and very you may for that is almost close to being barren. The fruit it would be producing if it is only kept as a fruit tree is far less than the effort it takes to keep and maintain it. If you have another which yields well over a 2000 in the same season, it will be the pride of your heart, a tree that can cause you to fearlessly invite all your extended family to come and have a sample and that my friend is what it means to be fruitful.
The word of God does not merely scrape you over the line but it makes you a champion. I will speak in more familiar terms. When God says I will give you joy in your life, He is not merely speaking about a moment’s release from the chaos, He means a permanent solution that brings a smile every time you think of it and that will radically change your posture. When God says I am going to give you a spouse, He is not merely thinking a placeholder who will alleviate the peer pressure and just remove the stigma whilst remaining a difficult person to live with forever; but He has in mind a son or daughter of His who will be prepared to be there for you as you need them. When God says I am your provider, He is not merely thinking I will scrape you by the bills but it is to a place so often decribed as one of overflow and fatness that He wants to provide for you. It may sound too good to be true for a moment but go back to Genesis 1 for a moment and read the account of creation.
Beautiful Scenery |
The Words God uses are simple; they are not long and complicated with details of every moment. It is not specified that when God said let the waters be in one place and the land in another He had in mind differences in scenery from the serene stretches of crystal blue water along a sandy beach to the cliffy hangings of scarps into rocky water below. Neither is it there that He meant the sunrise to be so colourful and beautifully spread over the sky and the grass beneath our feet to feel so lush and comfortable. He gave man fruits to be eaten but it is not specified he meant it to taste so wonderful and refreshing and so many other things.
That is God-His Word is fruitful and it prospers. When it is sent, it has a purpose and even if we can only see a small picture, He has even much more for us than we often realise. So my friend whatever Word the Lord has Spoken to you, he means it to pass and His Spirit is there to effect it and let this revelation be the place from which you live your life from today onwards.
Be blessed.