Munyaradzi Goredema

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not fear COVID-19

Bruised, battered and bled dry was my Jesus for me; not for any sin He committed, but for love for me. And it is this that I want to focus my words for the next few weeks. There are enough voices of fear, doom and gloom-and maybe as you read this, you are working from home or have been unable to earn an income now, and it is imperative for me as a believer to remind of eternal truths that will stir up faith in you to overcome.

Because I am loved, and defended and kept in good health, free of Covid-19. Not because I am super smart, or am perfect with social distancing and isolation; but I believe solely by His Spirit that is at work in me as Romans 8:11 says-He quickens, makes alive and restores, my mortal body. I am defended in this way because as David says, “The Lord is my shepherd.” I do not assign myself purpose, length of days or health but He does as He says in His word. (Psalms 23). Words that powerful tool which again I must remind you is what God used to create the world.

There is a testimony that demonstrates this love; an undoubtable moment in human history wherein even our very calendar is distinctly defined; the fact that for my sake, God took on the form of a babe, a babe who lived and died for me – He has no reason for life like this for himself or outside his concern and care for me. And not only did he live a perfect life free from the blemish of sin, he went through gruesome torture and a humiliating death, naked on a cross for me.

Isaiah 53:5 reads as follows: “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” A verse in which I find the rock solid foundation for my trust that my health is a God given, god protected gift that no Covid-19 can steal from me. If we for a moment were to see how humiliating and degrading it was for Jesus, being God, to be brutally tortured like a thief or murderer, we would realise that the Father means it for us to be well.

He says the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy-something that Covid-19 has done; livelihoods have been stolen during this time of shutdown; people have died, hospitals-sources of refuge and life, are being broken for capacity in this time and for some, peace has become a distant dream. It is evident that this is the devil’s handiwork, to wreak havoc on health, economies, livelihoods because it is consistent with his repertoire. Some will say “But science says it is a virus, what has that got to do with a devil if he exists?” I will take you to the story of Jesus casting the demons out of the Gadarene demoniac in Mark 5 vs 1 to 20. We see demons influencing the behaviour of live animals to kill themselves. And I will ask if demons can influence the behaviour of pigs, what is there to stop them from influencing the behaviour of a virus or a bacteria or a germ? Just because we can see the germ under a microscope does not negate the reality of the influence behind its behaviour.

The thief (Covid-19) steals, kills and destroys, but Jesus came that you may have life-zoe, which the full greek translates to mean ‘the absolute fullness of life, both essential and ethical, which belongs to or comes from God.’ It is this Jesus who is my shepherd, giving me calm and peace and security knowing that I will overcome. A victory available and present to every believer because He is not a respecter of persons, but treats all without partiality .(Acts 10:34)) He is my shepherd, and if you have given your life to Him, He is yours to. There is no need to be afraid. With His staff, He will beat this scourge away from your house, with His arms He will pick you up and speak the words to you that will bring you comfort. He will heal you and restore you, because He loves you.

Therefore, be at rest and fear not. Fear not for this amongst many reasons; The Lord is your Shepherd, You shall not want. Not for health, not for peace, not for provision. It is this God who will be your keeper in this season.

But don’t just take my words for it, check out His promises to you in Psalms 23, let them linger in your heart and see what my God, the faithful shepherd will do for you.


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