I don’t remember how many times I have written about the love of the Father; and if I am to be honest I believe at times I have forgotten this but today I must publicly repent for this is something worth repeating again and again and again. God
I believe the Lord would never want us to run away or turn away from this reality, He is our Father as He truly has designed fatherhood to be. God, our Father will neither leave nor forsake us and His eye is always on us . He is the source of joy, peace and life-He is our shield and our protector. He is our deliverer and our ever present help in time of need.
Often, many will find this hard to believe because of life’s experiences and the general perception of what culture is today but in the name of Jesus may those blinders be removed today. My friend believe me when I say God feels your pain, he feels your deepest hurts in your heart and may I reassure you He did not design it. My God is the author of joy and peace and love, He is the giver of every good gift and in John 10:10, we get a clear description of the heart of God-that we may have life and have it more abundantly. Not only does He feel our pain, He is able and willing right now to bring healing to you in whatever manner you need-in your soul, in your body and in your mind.
So today I do not know what your situation is, or what the source of your pain is but my prayer for you is simple-May you know the love of the Father in Heaven today and may it set you free, may it bring peace to your situation and a solution to your problem. In the name of Jesus be free from the yoke of the enemy and receive the peace of God in every area of your life.
Be blessed my friends and may the love of the Father keep you always.