The simple truths I will share today are what has been revealed to me and made me stand firmer in what I believe in. It was not the easiest for me to adjust to the set of circumstances I have been under, the sheer level of peer pressure I have been facing has been immense and for a while, I really did think I was eventually just going to crack for whenever I looked to my heart to look for the place of conviction that had been my normal abode, all I found in its stead was just a quagmire of poor resolve and the ever-lingering questions of doubt in my heart that what if I just let go and slip; really what does it matter? But I am not there anymore; or at the very least I am on my way out and to the place of sureness and conviction in truth that I once held and what I share now I pray opens your eyes as well and strengthens the convictions of the truth of the word of God that lay in your heart.
Whenever one person entrenched in sin and in a lifestyle of no submission to the will of God, remember they have moved away from God who is the source of joy; who is the source of peace; who is the Healer; who loves you to the point of giving JESUS to die FOR YOU and are under the deception of an enemy whose simple agenda is to kill, steal and destroy man and separate us from all that is good that God has for us in this life we are to live on earth. Remember the taunts they give you are whether they know it or not the very tools of satan designed to take you out of a place of wholesome prosperity and joy and bring to a place of pain; emotionally and physically.
In addition, remember this; to a man who is deceived, his bondage seems like freedom to them for they do not know any better. For the goat that is tied to a tree by means of rope, its entire world is the circumference of that rope around the tree and that is not freedom. Remember that the caged bird sings, even if it may not see the light of day. In addition, do not look at the taunter with disdain; they are a prisoner of war under the deception of the enemy in need of the true freedom of God in their lives. You may not agree with this last part but the honest conviction I carry in my heart is people only believe and live and behave according to what they know; and I believe when the true nature of God is revealed to man, every man woman and child will find Him irresistible.
So the posture to carry is this I believe; believe in them, that at some point they will have a revelation of Jesus alive in them; never for a moment agree with their stupid words-they have no life in them and be firm in what the Lord has convicted you to be true.
Be firm in your stand that says I trust God in my academics therefore I do not need to copy; Be firm in your stand to say I will be a virgin when I get married; Be firm in your conviction to keep your eyes pure and your decision I will lay my eyes on no vile thing. And remember even if you may have fallen, or if you do fall in any of these areas, God’s grace is here to pick you up, to strengthen you and to bring you to the place where you become the person God designed you to be-For my bible declares that He who has begun a good work in you will bring it to completion.
In the name of Jesus be blessed my friend.