Munyaradzi Goredema


Hearing God, Hope, Humility, Prosperity, The Will of God, Thoughts, Ways of God

Happy New Year

As we reflect on the past year and look forward to this one, I hope we can identify moments and periods in time where we can really see when the hand of God moved in our lives and made a difference….

There is wisdom in having a vision and planning for the future. And if we look at our heroes of the faith, they all had a concrete idea of who they were living for and what they wanted to achieve….

If we are not proactive about what our priorities, key goals and aims for life are, we may be more likely to miss them.


Looking beyond 2020 Part 1 – Have a Vision

Yes, the year has been crazy. Things have not exactly gone according to our perfect plan. And if we look for reasons to be in distress, we will find them. But that does not matter, time that has passed is like spilled milk. We cannot recover it, and in the same vein living in regret is a wasteful exercise.

Dreams, grace

Hello 2019

So my first post in the year comes a bit late and maybe it is around that time when you and I are looking at some of resolutions with the realization that maybe we did not know just how much commitment we would need; or how much of a shift it would mean to how

Freedom, The Will of God, Ways of God

One Outcome

Hi, so today I want to share something that has been weighing on my heart for a while now but I have not managed to be able to write. It is something that has given me freedom; that has allowed the flame of hope to burn brighter in my heart and is a lesson I



Today I want to write about persistence; an attribute that is sometimes called grit; sheer stubborness and the unwillingness to shift. The merriam-webster dictionary defines persistence as the quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people.   I guess as

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