Munyaradzi Goredema


Authentic, Freedom, Thoughts

Mindset (1)

Gen 11:6 And the LORD said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. Pause for a moment, to think and reflect about how crazy this statement actually […]

Dreams, Freedom

Want to achieve your dreams?

Be intentional. That’s it. It sounds corny and cheesy, and even merely motivational at first. But it is the truth. Dreaming is not enough on its own. Hoping or wishing for it to happen on its own is in many cases an exercise in futility. You need to act with intention and with purpose. You

Authentic, Hearing God, Hope, Thoughts

A gentle reminder

As I write this, I wonder where you are in your walk with Him. Are you overwhelmed with trying to survive in a broken country; or in a skewered economy; and has the challenge of it made you forget what glory the promise there is on your life?…

Authentic, Humility, Thoughts


Is it real, the reason why you and me and the world cannot mix? Are the things that pull us apart significant? Do they really hold water? The differences in colour and in dialect? Maybe I am a man, you are a woman; But does that mean we can have no conversation? The fact that

Authentic, Dreams, Faith, Humility, Thoughts

An Inconvenient Truth

So I went to church last Sunday, having been invited by my now good friend who I will call Lucy. The day started of rather quietly, having woken up to still, chilly North Western weather and the sound of monkeys shuffling across the green canopy of indigenous and exotic trees that adorns the garden area

Authentic, Freedom, Humility, Loved, Thoughts, Ways of God


Hi. I am back, after a tumultuous start to the year, and almost letting go of this viaion I have for this blog, I am back. Back with the quiet confidence of an athlete before a race: who breathes in and out slowly and reminds themselves that the arena is not where champions are made,

Authentic, Loved, Relationships, Thoughts


So for starters, yes this is kind of drawn from a hashtag that has been trending over the past few days. Like many hashtags, it has its very funny takes, absolutely dry ones and those that are so-so. I have taken the liberty to share a few of my favourites in this post; though some

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