Munyaradzi Goredema


Authentic, Thoughts

Political Interlude 2

So today, I want to talk about politics; or rather; begin to talk about it again. But today, I do not have much to say; just one example that I want to give, and then from there go on a bit. Imagine you walked into a dark alley, pungent with the smell of rotting bins […]

Authentic, Relationships, Sex, Strongholds, Thoughts

What if?

So I found myself lingering My mind fixated on a vision alluring My heart with a bursting passion burning? And the glorious result of it all from my heart refusing to go What if instead of sports in our hearts, it were the women in our lives? That when someone trash-talked them; to their defense

The Will of God, Thoughts

#DoomProphet and #AnnointedSewage

​Concerning #DoomProphet and #AnnointedSewage I speak to believers when I write this:  We have witnessed some strange things over the past few years; from people eating grass to people drinking annointed sewage and having doom used as some sort of deliverance tool. Often, there is a knee jerk reaction that castigates such occurrences; both the

Authentic, Freedom, grace, Strongholds

Sin-it is a battle we can win

Having spoken at relative length on the destructive and pernicious nature of sin, it would be unwise to end there; for in many ways that would only inspire fear. Sin is deadly; and it is because of 1 sin alone, the eating of the wrong tree that there is death, sickness, poverty and all the

Authentic, Freedom, Strongholds, Word of God


One of the reasons we are so susceptible to sin and why we do not take sin seriously enough is we are not convinced of the consequences of it.” In another manner of speaking, we do not treat sin as seriously, definitively and decidedly as we ought to because we don’t think it is a big deal and we do not think that we have a lot to lose.

Authentic, Strongholds, Ways of God

For God and for Gideon

Judges 8:23-27   But Gideon told them, “I will not rule over you, nor will my son rule over you. The Lord will rule over you.” And he said, “I do have one request, that each of you give me an earring from your share of the plunder.” (It was the custom of the Ishmaelites


I think "Illuminati hunting" is silly (2)

So today I want to continue where I began today on my first post where I began and I just out right honest about the fact that I think Illuminati hunting is silly and on a number of counts, is more of a distraction than really anything productive for a number of reasons; namely: It


I think "Illuminati" hunting is silly (1)

Typical Expose type image 1Hi. So today I wanna talk about the “Illuminati”-the so called by some world controllers, elect members of a secret society that has control over the world; they are said to be in our songs, in our preachers, in business and the ones who own the money. Theirs is a so

Authentic, Sex

Stupidity (1)

I may sound a bit rough today and in the rest of this series its possible that I may offend with some strong language but I believe love is not all mushy feelings and there are times when what is spoken out of sincere love must hurt for as it is written, “No discipline is

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