Munyaradzi Goredema


Dreams, Freedom

Want to achieve your dreams?

Be intentional. That’s it. It sounds corny and cheesy, and even merely motivational at first. But it is the truth. Dreaming is not enough on its own. Hoping or wishing for it to happen on its own is in many cases an exercise in futility. You need to act with intention and with purpose. You […]

Authentic, Faith, Freedom, grace, Hope, Money, Relationships, Strongholds, Testimony, Thoughts, Ways of God, Word of God

Hope does not disappoint

I myself remember crying when my Form 4 results were made known to me, and my Shona result was not what I had wanted. I had invested late nights, reading of novels and research to try to get that elusive A. And when it did not come, I was so frustrated. And though the example may seem petty; my point is simply that I can relate to the feeling of a heavy heart from an unfulfilled dream.

Authentic, Hearing God, Hope, Thoughts

A gentle reminder

As I write this, I wonder where you are in your walk with Him. Are you overwhelmed with trying to survive in a broken country; or in a skewered economy; and has the challenge of it made you forget what glory the promise there is on your life?…

Authentic, Dreams, Freedom, Hearing God, Hope, Thoughts


So recently my nation held elections; elections wrought with anxiety and hope, anxiety because many wondered must we really dare to hope? Dare to dream that elections could be the herald for a long yearned for future of peace, respect and reconciliation? Anxiety because memory so strongly cautioned in the folly of expecting an uneventful

Authentic, Dreams, Faith, Humility, Thoughts

An Inconvenient Truth

So I went to church last Sunday, having been invited by my now good friend who I will call Lucy. The day started of rather quietly, having woken up to still, chilly North Western weather and the sound of monkeys shuffling across the green canopy of indigenous and exotic trees that adorns the garden area

Authentic, Freedom, Humility, Loved, Thoughts, Ways of God


Hi. I am back, after a tumultuous start to the year, and almost letting go of this viaion I have for this blog, I am back. Back with the quiet confidence of an athlete before a race: who breathes in and out slowly and reminds themselves that the arena is not where champions are made,

Freedom, Hearing God, Hope, Thoughts


So today; I suppose I don’t want to go deep into explanations; but rather ask questions. Questions that I believe the answers to which are not only good points to think about; but that will give everything we do meaning; and to us the power and capacity to pursue our visions relentlessly. To begin with;

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