Munyaradzi Goredema

God Redeems

Authentic, Faith, Hope, Loved, Ways of God


So I know it has been a while; longer than the one post per week target that floats in my mind since I last posted. Whilst that does not sound too good; I feel optimistic about what the rest of this year and the future holds. And that about introduces what I want to talk […]

Freedom, The Will of God, Ways of God

One Outcome

Hi, so today I want to share something that has been weighing on my heart for a while now but I have not managed to be able to write. It is something that has given me freedom; that has allowed the flame of hope to burn brighter in my heart and is a lesson I

Authentic, Dreams, grace, Word of God

I will restore

The manner of post that I will share today will carry a tone I do not often carry; a manner of speaking that may be construed as many things, that can be many things but one that as I write in my heart I carry a conviction that is a manner which at times, even

Authentic, Freedom, Strongholds, Word of God


One of the reasons we are so susceptible to sin and why we do not take sin seriously enough is we are not convinced of the consequences of it.” In another manner of speaking, we do not treat sin as seriously, definitively and decidedly as we ought to because we don’t think it is a big deal and we do not think that we have a lot to lose.


Identity Test

So it is the end of year now and I just realised I a few blogs short of the yearly targets I sort of set for myself; in spite of at one point seeming on course to well break them (52 blogs annually just in case you are wondering). Reasons being many but one of


Made Righteous (3)

Hi So this the 3rd and final part of the series on the series I begun concerning being made righteous; and what I intend to focus on is the effect that this will have on your life. As I said earlier, Heb 4:16 already pretty much sums it up—Let us then approach the throne of


Made Righteous (2)

Hi So in continuing with the series on made righteous, I intend today to share with you the scriptural foundation upon which this is built upon and if I would choose a cornerstone scripture for this; I would choose 2 Corinthians 5:21 which in the New King James Version reads “For He made Him who


The Solution

Hi. I hope this finds you well, but if not I believe the words I share if you will receive them will leave you much better for I believe I am sharing the truth from the word of God and that the Word of God is all powerful. So today, I just want to share


Strongholds (2)-Our Response

Hi So today like I said earlier, I want to continue on the topic of strongholds, with a bit more on their definition and what in particular our response ought to be if we are going to see lives change and our culture transformed. As the name implies, even ever so slightly-the source of a



Hi. I know its been a while; but I am back and hopefully more consistent in my posts from now on. If I must be honest, I am today a bit nervous. I face a situation I have probably never faced before in my life. After 18 years within an education system, today is my

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