What is faith? Is it a feeling? Is it a state of mind? Or is it some intangible, other-dimension reality that we will really not be able to find words for?
What is faith? Is it a feeling? Is it a state of mind? Or is it some intangible, other-dimension reality that we will really not be able to find words for?
Is He not the one who says:
I am the Lord; I change not?
My heart therefore it burns
It is the cry of my soul
Lord, revive your work i the midst of my days…
Hi, so it is February, and like last year, the pace at which my life is moving is a surprise. I remember I wrote some goals down; 2 year goals, 5, 10, and 30 year goals for where I want my life to go. And it being the first time actually second time to live
What would it be like, if we actually realized that Jesus and the devil are not in the same league? #DemonsTremble #LordJesus
All around me, the circumstances of my country are changing. Prices are going up, hard currency is rarely there in most ATMs and panic buys quite recently were the order of the day as ghastly flashbacks of the hunger and torment that was 2008 motivated many a buyer to stock up just in case. In
Hi, so today I want to share something that has been weighing on my heart for a while now but I have not managed to be able to write. It is something that has given me freedom; that has allowed the flame of hope to burn brighter in my heart and is a lesson I
Having spoken at relative length on the destructive and pernicious nature of sin, it would be unwise to end there; for in many ways that would only inspire fear. Sin is deadly; and it is because of 1 sin alone, the eating of the wrong tree that there is death, sickness, poverty and all the
The manner of post that I will share today will carry a tone I do not often carry; a manner of speaking that may be construed as many things, that can be many things but one that as I write in my heart I carry a conviction that is a manner which at times, even
One of the reasons we are so susceptible to sin and why we do not take sin seriously enough is we are not convinced of the consequences of it.” In another manner of speaking, we do not treat sin as seriously, definitively and decidedly as we ought to because we don’t think it is a big deal and we do not think that we have a lot to lose.
Hi, I trust you are well and life is good. So today what I will be writing about is more or less a crisis post. This probably will not speak to you if right now you are celebrating and your life has been a roll of testimony upon testimony. This will not be for you