Munyaradzi Goredema

God is Faithful

Freedom, Hearing God, Humility, Strongholds, Thoughts, Ways of God

4 reasons we struggle to receive God’s promises

But if we are honest, our walk as Christians often does not reflect this limitless power available to us but rather, we often look at the lives of the disciples and Jesus as the pinnacle of what Christianity could be. A pinnacle we have no right to dare dream of seeing in our lifetimes but that must remain solely on the pages of scripture for our admiration….

Dreams, grace

Hello 2019

So my first post in the year comes a bit late and maybe it is around that time when you and I are looking at some of resolutions with the realization that maybe we did not know just how much commitment we would need; or how much of a shift it would mean to how

Authentic, Faith, Hope, Loved, Ways of God


So I know it has been a while; longer than the one post per week target that floats in my mind since I last posted. Whilst that does not sound too good; I feel optimistic about what the rest of this year and the future holds. And that about introduces what I want to talk


Circumstances Change; God Doesn’t

All around me, the circumstances of my country are changing. Prices are going up, hard currency is rarely there in most ATMs and panic buys quite recently were the order of the day as ghastly flashbacks of the hunger and torment that was 2008 motivated many a buyer to stock up just in case. In

Freedom, The Will of God, Ways of God

One Outcome

Hi, so today I want to share something that has been weighing on my heart for a while now but I have not managed to be able to write. It is something that has given me freedom; that has allowed the flame of hope to burn brighter in my heart and is a lesson I

Authentic, Relationships


It’s holiday season; Christmas in particular and I feel compelled to ask just a few questions; mostly to ask out aloud some questions and realizations that have been working through my mind. I honestly feel different this year, this season compared to any other period like this that I remember.  If there ever was a

Authentic, grace

Upon Him was the Chastisement of our Peace

It is Easter Sunday today, and knowing or having attended a few Easter services and conferences in years prior, I assume that if you went today, you probably heard an uplifting and enjoyable time as you were reminded of the death, the resurrection of Christ and the guarantee and safety that that gives knowing He

Hope, Relationships


So as the second post of what is my triple-threat posting for today, I am going to say something we often don’t often hear, that may sound foolish to some but I honestly believe in my heart that this is write and that in this particular area of how we do life, we can only

Ways of God, Word of God

The Greatness of God

Hi. So as we go towards the end of the year, we get around the point where we are reflecting on the days past, contemplating a future to come as well as for some begin to inquire of God for a word for the new and upcoming year but today, I am going to share

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