Munyaradzi Goredema



Circumstances Change; God Doesn’t

All around me, the circumstances of my country are changing. Prices are going up, hard currency is rarely there in most ATMs and panic buys quite recently were the order of the day as ghastly flashbacks of the hunger and torment that was 2008 motivated many a buyer to stock up just in case. In […]

Freedom, The Will of God, Ways of God

One Outcome

Hi, so today I want to share something that has been weighing on my heart for a while now but I have not managed to be able to write. It is something that has given me freedom; that has allowed the flame of hope to burn brighter in my heart and is a lesson I

Authentic, Freedom


Fearless ​It is the call of my nature The cry of the human soul It is all of me being fee It is all of me unchained It is who I am meant to be; Unashamed and unafraid; Withholding nothing But giving everything Fearless   It is in the look of my eyes It is

Authentic, Dreams, grace, Word of God

I will restore

The manner of post that I will share today will carry a tone I do not often carry; a manner of speaking that may be construed as many things, that can be many things but one that as I write in my heart I carry a conviction that is a manner which at times, even

Authentic, Freedom, Strongholds, Word of God


One of the reasons we are so susceptible to sin and why we do not take sin seriously enough is we are not convinced of the consequences of it.” In another manner of speaking, we do not treat sin as seriously, definitively and decidedly as we ought to because we don’t think it is a big deal and we do not think that we have a lot to lose.

Poem, Relationships, The Will of God, Ways of God

Never Back Down

So I wrote this a while back; having listened to a number of amazing teachings on the subject of healing by Curry Blake. However, because it puts a requirement and a demand for a response from me, I kind of shelved away the essence of the message with a perception that what I needed was

Authentic, Poem

What if

Hi. So instead of continuing with the series I introduced in my last post at this moment, I will post something that rang poetically in my heart when a friend of mine said something concerning what I had done and as often the case I found it difficult to believe or accept. Ever doubted a

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