Munyaradzi Goredema

Be free


Made Righteous (3)

Hi So this the 3rd and final part of the series on the series I begun concerning being made righteous; and what I intend to focus on is the effect that this will have on your life. As I said earlier, Heb 4:16 already pretty much sums it up—Let us then approach the throne of […]


Strongholds (5) Relationships

In this penultimate article on strongholds, I intend to talk of relationships. Primarily that between a man and his wife or concerning the sexual attractions that a young man seeking to marry will have prior to getting married and also maybe a little more on those interpersonal ones between friends. Do the following sound familiar


Ramblings (1) So I feel used

Hi So I been feeling like I have been taken advanntage of at times: used if I must use the right word and if I must be honest that does not feel nice. The realisation that this could be true just jabs your heart and the whole mix of emotions that floods your heart is

Authentic, Poem

What if

Hi. So instead of continuing with the series I introduced in my last post at this moment, I will post something that rang poetically in my heart when a friend of mine said something concerning what I had done and as often the case I found it difficult to believe or accept. Ever doubted a

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