Munyaradzi Goredema



Rejection—Quite a useless endeavour I find

Rejection; an eight letter word that is a noun of the word reject; wherein the Oxford dictionary defines reject as 1) Refusing to accept or agree 2)fail to show proper affection or concern for or 3)(of the body) react against a transplanted organ or tissue and that today is the subject of what I have […]


Made Righteous (1)

Hi Its been a bit of a while; and with me back and forth its not been easy keeping up but hopefully going forward as I learn to implement what it means to be effective in all that I do—for the revelation that the bridge between success and potential is discipline and that there can

Loved, Word of God

The language of love (2)

Love I want to continue today has a language both to the loved and from the one who loves. It is a language that is almost like music, that resonates within itself with tones of peace, confidence and freedom and I desire to share a bit more on this. Love is patient, it is kind, 


You do not have a clean slate

Its Easter; and whilst I have been extremely busy for a while now, I feel it very important and pertinent that I share with you what I believe the Lord wants to reveal to His people to free us from a law mentality into the fullness of a life of His grace. Remember how it

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