So today I want to talk a bit more concerning the particular stronghold over our culture concerning people and the value we attach to them.
Let me just for the sake of clarity, define to you what the value of every person you see is. That child you see on the street, the man who has just been convicted of sex crimes, the woman who stands by the corner advertising what is known as a short time, that guy whose words always sting you like a dagger—that person who has just failed their ordinary level exams or that misbehaving child who is a pain to deal with–their value is just the same as yours.
It is the same value as that of the upstanding citizen, as that of the couple that is celebrating 40 years of faithfulness in marriage and as that of the pastor who stands weekly before you sharing the word of God.
The desirability of what is being done differs, so do the benefits bestowed on society but the value, that intrinsic measure of worth is the same for all—it is found in the price that has been sent paid for every man alike for it is the same for all, both those great and those small in stature and this is in the blood of Jesus Christ who was crucified for us wherein he deemed everyone to have ever lived worthy of his blood even if they would have been the only ones to repent. It is also in the fact that as those created in the image of God, we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
It is in these simple truths that we ought to live and move and treat the people around us: not according as the world does according to accomplishments and titles. Yes, there is a place to honour accomplishment and to reward the good that has been done—but the converse where without a title, an academic qualification, without some sort of accomplishment you look at someone as an inferior or less valuable being has no place in the body of Christ. The uneducated maid has exactly the same value as a person as the head of an army or a natio — and that is the blood of Jesus Christ.
And is from an awareness of this reality that we are to lead lives of honouring everyone we meet for in a culture where everyone feels honoured by us, we will gain influence over their hearts from which we will have a springboard for cultural change.
Be blessed.