I am greatly encouraged,
Yet so great a need i see in front of me
I am greatly challenged, though to some,
A success is what they see
When they look at me
Great is the glory of our God,
Infinite is His everlasting wisdom
Perfect and pure is His love for us,
Good, Holy, Merciful is He
And extremely precious to me,
Are His promises of a hope and a future
The prophet cries out:
Lord , I have heard of your fame;
I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord .
Repeat them in our day,
In our time make them known;
In wrath remember mercy:
And with my heart the cry resonates,
Is it not true what the book says?
That to Him when they came,
Not a need was too big,
And no sickness was too scary
The demons fled, limbs were restored
And the broken hearts were made whole
And that He is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever?
Is He not the same God,
That through a famine, a widow he fed
That with 2 fishes and 5 loaves,
5000 men, not to mention women and children He fed?
Is He not the one who says:
I am the Lord; I change not?
My heart therefore it burns
It is the cry of my soul
Lord, revive your work i the midst of my days
Let us see the beauty of your goodness
Let us experience your living touch
It is not enough to read about it
I cannot be satisfied if all i do,
Is in your name win arguments
But your touch I never see
Therefore again, I cry,
Lord , I have heard of your fame;
I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord .
Repeat them in our day,
In our time make them known;
In wrath remember mercy.