Frustration can lead to some of the craziest behaviour. The docile lady all of a sudden becomes an incarnation of fury in whose way you do not want to get; that cute kid all of a sudden is a tantrum throwing menace when you take away from their favourite toy. It may lead the best of us to do what we would not normally do and I myself have seen this, albeit on the wrong end of the observatory.
I will not for any action done under the guise of anger for we are still responsible for behaving well in spite of our circumstances and emotions but I will share a reality which therein is shown to us in our makeup.
We are not designed at all to live with frustrations and regret, our bodies are not designed for it neither are our Spirits and souls. Proverbs 13v 12 says that hope deferred makes the heart sick but when the desire is cometh it is a tree of life. It is never pleasant to see a hope deferred or crushed and a lot of times, we fail to make the connection between unfulfilled dreams and anger expressed on the outside. It’s easy to see if a sportsman misses out on a gold medal and goes on a downswing for the next day or two but who can tell about the things we have been praying and hoping for that have not yet materialised and we snap? Who can make that connection so clearly when your plans for a day do not work out and all of a sudden you are cranky?
We may or we may not be able to make this connection but I propose to you that your reaction reveals this about your internal chemistry—you were designed to succeed, to achieve your goals and dreams and to see life and when things fail, and internally you begin to fall apart it shows you were not designed for unfulfilled dreams or desires in the first place.
God is a God who provides the supply before the need arises. He has provided the sacrifice of Christ long before we were born and He works in us to will and to do of His pleasure when we are born again. He puts in us dreams that He intends to fulfil and that He will and if we go through scripture, we realise the joy that is there in a dream fulfilled and that God always works with the dreamer to see the dream fulfilled. And if we go by the word, it is not just the ‘dreams’ but it is also the desires in us that He puts and works out for good and for our good, joy and peace.
In Proverbs chapter 13 verse 19 this is reinforced by the wording that declares that a desire fulfilled is sweet to the soul; and again in chapter 12 we read that heaviness in the heart makes it stoop. If we continue with proverbs, we realise just how much health is brought to one by a happy and joyous heart. And again I repeat, we are not made to live with unfulfilled dreams and desires.
We are made to have dreams, to have vision for our lives, to have desires and to see them fulfilled by the power and the grace of God.
Be blessed.