Blessed, redeemed, saved and forgiven. Wonderful words that remind us of who God has declared us to be. This indeed is our true identity, the indelible imprint of God’s death on the cross for us. But who does the world see when they see us?
Are we ever honest with ourselves when we act in pride, or when we are selfish or when we spiteful? Or do we easily see the wrong that others have done, the injustice against us and the ulterior motives that are keeping us in a trench, making no progress in life?
I ask because when we look not at ourselves, nothing really changes. It is often said it is easier to change ourselves than others, but many times when life happens, we forget this reality. We feel it impressed on ourselves to howl about our circumstances to whomever will listen. We find company for the misery we are in and nothing actually changes about them.
These are just the few questions I have today. How different would our view of our lives be, if we were slow to anger, quick to forgive and as the Bible asks “esteemed others better than us?” How different would our relationships be, if instead of complaining about the other person’s faults, we asked ourselves “How can I better show love? How can I be of service to them even in their faults and shortcomings”
How different would our lives be, if we actually left vengeance, retribution and recompense to God, and we made it our life mission to love without limits? To love and forgive fearlessly knowing our hearts, and lives are safe in the hands of the creator of the world?
In concluding, my invitation to us is this: when we look at the mirror, asking ourselves who we are, that we dare to love. That we dare to show mercy, to show grace and see how great the hand of God will be in making our life relationships beautiful.