Hi, its Christmas and today this I think will be the last post for this year.
I wonder what sort of tradition you have on this day as a family or as friends—maybe you are the indoors kind, who like it cosy and family on this day and you go all out on meals and all; maybe you are adventurous and travelling-travelling halfway around the globe to make a Christmas memory, –or maybe you are the churchy kind and the whole day depends on what the pastor decides Christmas will be all abou. I don’t know but I trust that whatever it is, you find some sort of joy in it and I hope it is a joy without consequences down the road.
Whatever you are doing, I just want to remind you why we have Christmas and the true reason for the season—you. Yes, you my friend are the reason we celebrate Christmas. How you may ask; give me a moment to explain.
God the 3 in 1 loves you and this day we remember just how much He does so. Jesus was not born for himself but even from the time He was prophesied to be coming, it was all for us and for our benefit. Isaiah 9:6 begins unto us a son is given. He came, he was born to live and to die and to gain victory over death for you.
You see, Jesus won nothing for Himself–as God and the one through whom and for whom all things were made(he could get it, the devil can never be on the same plane as God)–but you however, were subject to him for he was prince of the world having usurped Adam and Eve and he could easily wreck havoc on your life. And because God loves you, He was not going to let that happen so He sent Jesus whom on this day we celebrate.
When a man loves a woman, and sends her an expensive pearl–an heirloom that has been in his family for generations—what is more important in the man’s eyes, the pearl or the woman? Both can be equally valuable…… God gave Jesus for you-He loves you and on this day He came into this world for us. You see, when you see just how valuable Jesus is in God’s eyes and you realise God gave Him for you, your heart must just sing because you are that precious to Him, you are worth coming for and this Christmas remember that.
On this day, Jesus because of His love for you was born a man-God appeared in the flesh. He was born to die, yet tender and still in the manger He lay. Rejected by men, a man of Sorrows would be the name we would come to know Him as.
Yet the King Imperial, his authority noone could question, His name would soon become higher than any other name. Oh, friend rejoice in this, the love of God for man for on this day your redeemer was born.
Merry Christmas dear friends.