Munyaradzi Goredema

Made Righteous (3)

So this the 3rd and final part of the series on the series I begun concerning being made righteous; and what I intend to focus on is the effect that this will have on your life. As I said earlier, Heb 4:16 already pretty much sums it up—Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need—according to the New International Version. As a pillar as well, so is Romans 5:17 —For if, through the transgression of the one individual, Death made use of the one individual to seize the sovereignty, all the more shall those who receive God’s overflowing grace and gift of righteousness reign as kings in Life through the one individual, Jesus Christ—in the Weymouth version.

You see, realising that your identity today is now that of a man righteous, of a man welcome before the throne of God at any time; a man whom the Lord speaks of says “Your sins and lawless deeds I will remember no more (Heb 10:17) will make you realise your life is not meant to be lived trying desperately to earn the approval and favour of God; you are already worthy, He already loves you, before you said yes to be born again, the price had already been paid whether or not you would say yes. You see, realising you are made righteous will empower you to live a life victorious over sin, over shame, over fear and boldly pursuing your God given dreams and desires and in such a manner that even if you fall, you are ready to get back up and run your race with purity and power.
The bible says “As Kings”—reigning as a king, as one with authority, with freedom and with grace. In the words of Pastor Joseph Prince, “When you reign in life, Diseases, addictions and fears don’t.” Freedom becomes your portion and even in areas where you may be struggling before, you are freed to know that when you come before God with a need, with a struggle in addiction to alcohol, pornography, with a temper you do not know how to deal with, He will respond to you with the grace you need for the situation; the freedom, the healing of the heart issues from which the problems stem and the placing of the lonely in families.
Except you accept your identity, you will not experience the victorious life, that is full of joy, that even in the middle of the storm is assured of victory and has peace and that in your heart you probably have felt tuggings and longings to say that “I think I was born for a more victorious, happier life.”
Rejoice therefore my friend, and over the coming few days, meditate over these and other scriptures that the Holy Spirit will show you and allow it to sink in that in deed you have been made righteous.
The grace of God keep you always.
Munyaradzi Goredema- Prisoner of Hope.

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