Munyaradzi Goredema

Made Righteous (1)

Its been a bit of a while; and with me back and forth its not been easy keeping up but hopefully going forward as I learn to implement what it means to be effective in all that I do—for the revelation that the bridge between success and potential is discipline and that there can be no short cuts around it.

Anyway, today I am going to begin a 3-part series whose main aim is to bring you to a place of where you have confidence towards God and his acceptance of you; and I will call it made righteous. Having been part of a body where this is more or less a universally accepted truth, it would be easy to forget that a huge number of believers are unaware of this truth for it seems contrary to a lot of what is coming out many people’s confession of what it means to believe in Jesus. So if you are going through these first parts and thinking to yourself well, I know this and I don’t really need this then please bear with me, I am so concerned with that one person, maybe 1 in 2, maybe 1 in 5 or 1 in 10 but that 1 who does not yet know this and who desperately needs to know this to come to a place of confidence in God.
So to that 1 guy or girl; you have probably been told that God is righteous, pure and holy and that He is so holy and pure that not even a hint of sin is tolerable near Him. You may have heard that it is sin which caused God the Father, though so loving of Jesus, to turn away from Him at the cross and that without righteousness, it is impossible to please God, to be accepted by and near Him and that as in the words of Jesus—“Except your righteousness exceed that of the Pharisees, you have no part in the Kingdom of God” [slightly paraphrased from Matt 5:20]. And that as you were told this, you were shown the relevant scriptures and maybe time after time you have had them repeated to you, you have had them in your memory verses, I know for certain a certain favourite which at one point was mine as well, -“No there is none righteous, not one” [Rom 3:10] and that as you are reading this, you have been wondering just what exactly am I doing and that the thought screaming in your mind is “this guy is about to violate scripture.” 
Well, the reply I will just give is simple, and I must credit Curry Blake of JGLM™ for this (And I must say the man is living a wonderful revelation of the truth of the healing grace of God)—I will not violate scripture but definitely, I will violate your understanding of it, for yes all you have been told is true, but even better now is instead of you trying in vain to prove yourself righteousness, if you are born again righteousness is already yours, a free gift of God and in the next part I begin to share with you just how this has been done and yes, I will share from the whole counsel of scripture on this matter, and not take isolated verses alone to try to make a point.  
The grace of God keep you always.
Munyaradzi Goredema- Prisoner of Hope.

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