Yes, the year has been crazy. Things have not exactly gone according to our perfect plan. And if we look for reasons to be in distress, we will find them. But that does not matter, time that has passed is like spilled milk. We cannot recover it, and in the same vein living in regret is a wasteful exercise.
So as challenging as it may be to you, and as shaken as you may be by the circumstances of 2020-you still need to have a vision for your life. Proverbs 29 vs 18 says, “where there is no vision, the people perish,” and this is as true as it is direct. A vision, or dream, or goal as you may put it is the picture of your life that you want to see that serves as a compass to how you will act today. It is a radar that helps you to filter out life’s options and stay straight on the path that will take you where you want to go.
It can be anything-to get married and have a happy family, to be an entreprenuer, to get a job or to create your own job. It does not matter. If you are to find a place of happiness and joy in your life, you need a vision that awakens who you were called to be.
Having a vision is the same as knowing that you want to go on a journey to visit the Victoria Falls. If you do, you research what season is the best to visit when there will be water; you find out about activities, accommodation, transportation options and how much money you will need for the trip. And if you commit to going, you make changes to your life to allow you to make the trip. It could be saving an extra $50 per month for a year, or setting up your car GPS to navigate and take you there from wherever you start. You schedule and set the time aside so that you can go in peace.
If you are like me, you also have daydreams aplenty about when you will actually get the chance to go. You will taste the scent of the moisture laden air as you set aside the monthly saving in preparation for the trip. You will look forward to the waves and undulating hills of the journey as your car goes in service. Your life begins to take noticeable shifts as you align your financial, physical and monetary resources for the trip. And when it finally happens, it will be as though a well of joy has opened up inside you.
A vision does that for you. It creates a focal point for which you can align your entire self and discover hidden potential within you to actually achieve it. Trying to live without vision is like driving on a road with no destination. Your car will wear out and run out of fuel, you will be tired and exhausted but you will not have made any headway. The road and the traffic will take you wherever they would. And in the never-ending stream of traffic and tarmac, you will eventually run out of steam, burn out and crash.
A vision does that for you. It creates a focal point for which you can align your entire self and discover hidden potential within you to actually achieve it.
In his profoundly simple wisdom, God puts in sweetly and succintly- “where there is no vision, the people perish.” My challenge to you today is this: if I am to ask you one question: what will your life look like in 5 or 10 years? will you have an answer?
Because if not, then today you and God need to have a conversation about your life today. A conversation after which you will possess a clear vision and direction for your life, a rudder meant to help you steer the uncharted waters of your daily life.
Powerful words coming at the perfect time. 2020 has not been a joke!
It has been a crazy time. So many things have had to be postponed, delayed, or even cancelled.