Hi, it has been a long time since I last posted. I believe about 3 months or so. They have been 3 months that have been productive, hectic and at times challenging. They have been a few months in which I got Covid19, my family got it and where we have also just recovered.
I have had to think a lot through these few months. About the blog, and where I see it going. Questions arise such as should I merge this and my writing, or should my writing be standalone. Questions about hosting platforms, content creation and the frequency and whether or not I should start a vlog or a podcast.
And as I type this, I realise that there are a lot of us who may be at similar junctures in our lives. You want to know whether or not to make a career switch; whether or not the person you are dating will be a good spouse, or if you are earlier on in your life-whether or not you are making the right choice iin your degree or a-level/matric subjects.
It may seem confusing; overwhelming and impossible. You may find yourself struggling for peace and for a mainatained authentic connection to God and His will for your life. You may find yourself waking up in the dead of night with your mind on overdrive; trying to work out solutions and a path for your future. And all of this quite frankly may be driving you insane.
If so, I have a few words of encouragement for you in that situation. The first of which is it’s ok to slow down, and not have all the answers. Scary as that may seem, in this world that urges you to plan plan plan, the reality is God is still God and He loves you. That truth is an anchor that amidst all the noise and uncertainty, you can hold on to and be ok with not knowing what the future will hold. It’s ok to slow down and just live one day at a time, trusting God each day that He will be faithful and true to His word to you in your life and that in due time, what may be unclear today will eventually be clear. Maybe even with hindsight.
Second, I want to encourage you to stop thinking of your choices in a fatalistic point of view. Whatever degree you choose today, whether the dating relationship leads to marriage or not, it’s ok to change your mind in the future. It’s ok to switch careers, or jobs later on when you have a bit more awareness of what works and what does not. Very few of us will be certain at 17 of who we want to be at 40. Life is a journey, and its ok to change direction along the way.
I believe it is Jeff Bezos who said to his team “Stubborn on vision, flexible on details.” It is an idiom full of wisdom we can glean from. The Lord has a purpose for us yes, but often He will leave the details to us. As an example, He wants you to have a happy, godly marriage, but he will not choose a spouse for you. He will teach you how to choose, and what to look for, but that choice will ultimately be yours. I believe it is often the same with our careers, our places of where we live or go to church, and so many other daily choices we need to make.
With this in mind, if you are dating, or deciding your career, or your future-the important things remain the same. Honour God with how you make the choice, honour God with how you date and how pure and authentic it is. As you do, you will learn a lot more about God and His nature along the way-about how He is faithful to guide you and to speak to you when and if you do need to make a change; about how He sticks to His word to be with you and about the reality that He has a purpose for your life.
Last, I want to talk about peace and challenge both you and I about a certain reality of God. If the Lord is our God, should our peace come from knowing every little detail about our future, or from the truth that He is with us and He will neither leave nor forsake us? Where as believers in Jesus Christ does our trust and security really lie?
The answers to these questions are obvious, but will you take up the challenge today to live up to them in every area of your life? I challenge you to do so and take God at His word and see what He will reveal to you and do in your life.