Munyaradzi Goredema

Let the people now lift up this banner "God is my strength"

In a period of prayer, I saw this picture or image;
I saw a crowd of people, a vast army of believers advancing as if on a field. Where they went, the land became green and refreshed and right in front, they, or we I should say held a banner up high and the banner read “God is my strength.” Before us, dark forces, they really appeared to be children clouded by some black mist were scurrying away in fear, afraid and on the retreat. The land they stood on was desolate but as we advanced and took over where they once stood the land became vitalized and green again.

It is now time for every believer to carry this simple belief and make it their own, that God Himself is our strength and our source. It is now time to realize what has been true all along, God is our strength and He has never lost a battle and He will not start by losing one in our lives. It is time to take over territory that the devil for too long has held captive and brought destruction and with this grace God has put in our hands see life restored and joy once more become the portion of the land.

The family as a unit has been attacked, behind closed doors husbands and wives beat each other up physically and verbally and children live in a conundrum of fear. Too many girls and boys go around hurting each other, wounding hearts and laying a foundation that can only give rise to more pain and confusion. Abortion and suicide are committed by the thousands, sex trafficking is a 20 billion dollar a year industry and pornography has taught the beautiful ladies in our society that their natural bodies are not enough, that they need to measure up to an unrealistic photoshopped tall busty sex object with no other measure of worth beyond conformity to this standard and we see more and more women believing to be beautifully clad is to reveal as much as possible of themselves under the guise of freedom.
By the thousands, little girls and little boys do not go to school and left to their own devices, the outcome cannot be good. In more places than Africa and Somalia, access to safe drinking water is but a wishful flight of fancy; something that realistically to many they have just about the same chance of seeing as they have of going to the moon. In the church itself it seems love and the man Christ has a back seat, more and more everyone seems to be given conditions and reasons why they do not deserve the best that God has to offer, just how holy it is to suffer or worse to be prideful in possessions, to associate their own self value to something as lowly as wealth and the car they drive or the clothes they wear…(please do not get me wrong, I believe it is the will of God to prosper His children, but I believe it is a tragedy when the children are more in love with the goats on the Father’s farm than they are with the Father Himself)
To hell with the devil and his lies… You are not nothing, you are significant and Jesus Christ considered the joy of being with you to be worthy for Him to go through the humiliation on the cross. Silver and gold could not redeem you, it took the very blood of God Himself and boy you are loved and you were worth every drop. Quit trying to get brownie do good points with Jesus, the man loves you before you even want to do right and it your realization of His grace that changes your outward behavior. Quit putting yourself down, you are the apple of God’s eyes and you are the bride chosen to be His; yes you are Chosen and you are loved so stop the nonsense trash talk and beliefs that you are nothing. Everything about Jesus, His life, His beatings and all was for your and His benefit. His benefit because He wanted your presence and yours because the price for sin owed not to the devil but to the righteous judgment of God has been paid.
So rise up; stand and let us stand together and say, “The Lord is my strength, who shall stand against us when the Lord of Heaven’s armies is for us.” What will stop us from bringing transformation and taking the ground that is ours back from those filthy hands of the devil? It is time for there to be joy in families; it is time for there to be healing for the sick; it is time for the youth to be comfortable in their own skins again, free of unrealistic images and expectations; it is time for fathers to stand and lead their families, to drop this popularization of small house and love their matrimonial wives and children. It is time and this is the confidence I have and hope you will have with me, “God, my Father in heaven is my strength. And Therefore I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”
God is my strength and therefore I will succeed at what I endeavor to do. Let this now be your meditation and contemplation and see before you the devil and all His influence flee for believe me, He is a defeated foe and it brings God zero glory to suffer under the pain of the enemy. General George Patton said, “The goal of war is not to die for my county, it is to make the other bastard die for theirs.” We have weapons in our warfare scripture says, and the goal is to end all the influence and hold of the enemy over our lives and over the lives of those around us-not to display just how much of the enemy’s abuse and kicking we can take without dying… To hell with the devil..  .
So let us stand and declare, God is my strength therefore the victory is ours and as it is written in Psalms, Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. Indeed let us stand and only believe and let us see before us the Spirit of the living God make the dry places and the wasteland a place of refreshing and life as it is made known to every living soul that on the throne in Heaven, God, our Father is alive and mighty to save.
Be blessed.

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