So I will conclude in this post on information and staying true to what I have been doing, I will start with a bold proclamation. Argument as a means to spread Christianity is probably the lowest and quite possibly the least inventive and effective means of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. The revelation of the word of God is not meant to equip us to win arguments with those who disagree, but to equip us to demonstrate practically the love of God to a world that simply desires to know how to make the most out of life.
To illustrate just what I mean; I will share from 3 parts of the Bible or rather 3 kinds of books from the bible (maybe more, I will see) just how as believers we were never meant to live a life of arguing but that rather our lives were demonstrate the presence of God for this is the best witness and the only way of authentically being witnesses of God.
So I know there are a number of people who emphasize certain laws or portions from the commandments of the law in what they preach concerning Christianity; that however is not the focus of my message today. Whatever they say or don’t say, the reality of the law as outlined in the first five books of the Bible is a complete package; it comes with instructions for life, with ceremonial duties and requirements and with what will be the result of living or following this to the letter. Possibly, some of the clearest passages of scripture that highlight the effect of the presence of God that will result from obedience to the law are found in Leviticus 26 and Deuterenomy 28; passages of scripture that guarantee health, prosperity (wealth), victory in battle and the presence of God that alone would be a witness that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was alive and at work. In the place where they kept the Holy of Holies, there is something that would or was visible, something I have heard as Shekinah glory, a visible fire present that could be seen for miles around that was supernatural and tangible proof that there was a living God. The law didn’t carry mere instructions, but with it very visible, tangible proof that would result and could be experienced by all around that indeed the God of Israel was the one true God.
From the books of the prophets, I could have chosen from a number of people; from Daniel, Samuel, Mishael (Misheck of those thrown into the fire), Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Hezekiah, Elijah you name it. But I will go for one of the most iconic confrontational scenes between darkness and evil in the life of Elijah at Mt Carmel with the prophets of Baal. The dark agents were very real, dictating how life and worship were happening in the land and there Elijah simply declared that the God who was God should answer by fire; or in other words, that they put aside argument, that they put aside debate and hassling and let the God who was God be seen in how he showed himself strong on the behalf of those who trusted in Him. Likewise, when Daniel was cast into the den of lions, or when His friends were cast into the fire, it was going to be upon tangible evidence and evidence alone that He who was God was to be known. At this moment I think of David before Goliath, and of His mighty men in battle who did things not even Jet-Li has attempted; you find a man killing 800 there; and I remember the life of Solomon where when the Queen saw just the splendour of his court she knew she stood in the presence of a man of an uncommon wisdom. Is it any wonder then, the Psalmist came to a point where he said “I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor their children begging for bread?” For the reality he experienced showed the reality of God in how he always came through for those that believed in Him.
And now to come to the New Testament, we see Jesus and the disciples during and after his life-he feeds multitudes with a few loaves and fishes, they heal the sick, the dead are raised to life, and even the bite of a viper in Acts cannot kill Paul. Water Jesus turns to wine, the blind eyes he opens and the promise to the church in Philippi is made, “All your needs according to his riches in glory will be met.” We find the promise that Jesus; in whose presence is fullness of joy not sadness, who is the author of life not death, the healer and not the afflicter, in whom are all the treasures of wisdom (all kinds, technical to practical day to day for effective and authentic relationships) are hidden will always be with us; that greater things than what He did will He do; that the Spirit of God will never leave us and that in essence we can have boldness to enter the throne of God of mercy in time of need. The reality remains the same; God desires we experience who He is and that through our lives the world around us gets the right kind of information about Him; that they experience the reality of the information of the gospel that carries the power to produce in people, in a culture and in a city what it talks about—people that at one time where darkness, enemies of God but who now can be reconciled and accepted into the family of God.
We are the information carriers who will change the world; God has no plan B in-case we fail and such is the faith He has in us that we will carry the flame of the gospel as living flames through which the world comes into contact with what it’s like to be loved unconditionally, to be healed supernaturally, to see dead-raisings and so much more of what God wants to give from who he is. It is through us, through our lives that the world is to see what a happy family, workplace and friendship looks like and to experience the reality of the information of the transforming gospel and see it change cultures and countries-after all, without power all we have is not a gospel (in the sense of it being news), but rather just another good philosophy.
May the grace of God keep you always.
Munyaradzi Goredema- Prisoner of Hope.