Munyaradzi Goredema

Information 2. Can we really blame the world for being the world?

So I am going to continue on the topic I began on information. So in the same typical fashion I began the last post, I will begin this one with a similar kind of bold statement. If Eve was truly aware of the the consequences of taking the fruit, if she had known that that sin would have been the one to introduce death, sickness, poverty and all manner of suffering that were to result I believe she would not have taken the fruit. And everyone you see today living a lifestyle outside of the will of God, outside of the Bible, it is because they stand in the same position as Eve; a position of deception; a lack of awareness of the reality of the goodness of God and His everlasting mercy and grace.

The Bible calls the devil the “Father of the lie,” or in today’s terms He is the owner of the intellectual property of the thing called lying: he is the patent holder. And today it remains his weapon; his one and only one with which he has directly (direct worshipers) and indirectly (through a system of life) led many astray. And as believers this is the one thing we need to realise that by and large the world (the people in sin, the Christians backslidden, anyone who does not believe in God) simply lives the way they do because they are deceived; they have either been lied to or the correct information has been withheld from them. They have been told that God is not there; they have been told that they are basically more developed versions of monkeys, that life is meaningless and that truth is relative. The information they have experienced includes so called spiritualists, vodoo and juju people, witchdoctors and several other things, (njuzu, etc.) that have shown a power that is beyond physical human strength; it includes the psychics so often seen on television that talks of a “different kind of afterlife” and the subconscious levitation and fire-stone-walking of many an enlightened “master”
They have been bombarded with messages that say trying out sexual partners is ok, and in the magazines they read by the millions pornographers are the ones regarded as the “sex experts.” The world has been told that there is such a thing as “no strings sex” and that commitment is “old fashioned and prudish” and for role models they are presented with many a divorcee described as “powerful and emancipated and free; and in addition to her/him is the person ready to speak their mind whenever and wherever regardless of what other’s may or may not feel. They have been given the witchcraft of Harry Potter to aspire to for power; the dysfunction of 50 Shades of Grey as a blueprint for relationships and the immorality of American Pie as the template for teen and college life. With all this and a lot worse as the only information that a significant proportion of the population experience as the information for life, is it really any wonder that the “people of the world” behave as the “worldly people” they are?
Can we really blame the world if this is what they experience and the only version of Christianity they experience is the argumentative, look-down-at-you-but-live-exactly-the-same-way-kind-as-the world type? Really? You may take the time to ponder this as in my next and final post on this topic I will share what I believe is the one key, or a cornerstone belief we need to carry as believers to change the world.
May the grace of God keep you always.
Munyaradzi Goredema- Prisoner of Hope.

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