So today I want to begin to speak about something that has been on my heart for a while now and that I must admit has been burning passionately in me for a while now to see the church come alive to for realising this I believe will empower us to begin to look upon sinners and backslidden believers with compassion and grace and ditch the aloof, down-our-noses staring downs. The key has all to do with information.
So I will begin by making a bold claim that I believe I am not the first to make nor will I be the last to make but that I believe to be true. At each and every one of our cores, our core desires are the same; and this is true for every man, woman and child that has ever lived and that will ever live. From the man who preaches on Sunday like clockwork, to the pornography producer, to the alcoholic who gives his family hell every week, even to the extent of beating his wife and children every week. I believe for everyone of these people and all the extremes you can think of, from Hitler to Mother Theresa; from Nero to Paul; I believe at the core simply because we are human beings, we share the same core desires.
If I am to look for the simplest way of expressing this same core desire, I would say “we all desire to make the most out of life.” At the core of every human being, this is one thing we all want and eagerly pursue in whatever way we interpret this to mean. To one, this may look like getting high and wasted every night, followed by lots of sex with lots of “hot” people; to another this looks like a life of self-denial, isolation from the rest of humanity in a monastery in what is described as “denying oneself for the hope of a reward in the “afterlife;” and to yet another this may simply look like a life of peace, enjoying the simple moments and things with friends and family as much as possible; and to yet another this looks like making money by the bucketfuls and buying the very best it can offer in luxuries and food and drink. To Hitler, it was subduing the world to his “Aryan” master-race, to Mother Theresa it was honouring her Lord in earthly service in the hope of a reward to come in the “afterlife” and to many other people this desire is expressed in so many different ways.
How we satisfy or choose to pursue this desire hinges on one thing and one thing alone; the information that we possess at our disposal and that is the subject of this that I have as my 3-part blog on information. I have said it before, and I will say it again that God alone is the true source of joy, peace, prosperity and every good and perfect gift; and I believe that if every person alive had the awareness and experience of the reality of this piece of information, every person alive would lead a godly existence reverent and trembling knowing that in Him alone can we make the most out of life; and yes I mean everyone, from the atheist to the Satanist, from the Muslim to the Bhuddist and from the party animal to the sombre philosopher—all of us would gladly bow and serve the one true God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In my next post, I will continue to share more on this thing on information and the need to realise that all it takes to transform the world is the right kind of information.
May the grace of God keep you always.
Munyaradzi Goredema- Prisoner of Hope.