Impossible and Hope
It is a word too often quoted
Too often it is what ends the dream of a child to go to the Olympics;
It is that whispered deception it cannot be done that to the human spirit brings despair and hopelessness, a cursed state of spirit where one simply believes what is is what can be
How many today will say it is impossible to be happily married?
How many will say it is impossible to stay pure and in fellowship with the spirit always?
How many today say it is impossible to do this because you are in Zimbabwe?
They continue maybe if you had only been born in America, or Australia…
How many dreams and hopes have been crushed by the mention, that twisted mention of those words, it is impossible, it cannot be done?
How many today say it is impossible for the economy of Zimbabwe to turn around?
How many say it is impossible to prosper without corruption in the nation of Zimbabwe?
Just how many whisper those words to the next person who is maybe dreaming of a solution, planning for a better future?
How many out there do not believe there will be a day when people will board kombis that are not overloaded, 3 individuals as stated per seat and without mahwindi four four?
Be honest with yourself.
A lot of this sounds too good to be true to most if not all
And your answer to my question would be those words i so hate
It cannot be done; it is impossible
That is truly where the minds of many are right now,
Hopeless, believing in a word, believing in a lie that has been cleverly woven and bombard to their minds and that has successfully crushed their spirits.
You see, man is a spirit, and it is there that success or defeat begins.
In a soccer match you are playing, and you are losing 4-0 , you feel tired before the match ends, it is when you lose all hope of winning that the moments seem to drag on, each step seemingly draining a lot out of you
At 4-3, however, you push the extra mile. You have hope, in your spirit you sense a possibility that drives you to push your body beyond its pain limits , you harry, you hassle for the ball because somewhere within you there is that hope.
Hope, the eager and earnest expectation that something good will happen
Mine is a call, a rally to every believer to respond to the words of Zechariah 9;12
Return to your fortress oh prisoners of hope….Even now i say i will restore double to you for your troubles
Hope is a strength, it is place where you cannot be broken, you are secured and no matter what happens to you, you push on. You plod, you continue, with each fall you rise because you have the hope-the earnest expectation that something good is about to happen.
Yes, I know what the situation in Zimbabwe is like. I know first hand that people do not have jobs, that there is pain behind closed doors, that the economy is in a bad place. I am educated, I know what the economy looks like
But greater and bigger than that, I know my God and His exploits
I know impossible in my physical capacity is not impossible to Him
But i also know that a lot of the reason to accept the situation and lose hope is partly because at times to believe seems silly and illogical.
But tell me you who doubt;
Look all around you, the worlds were framed by a word
Is that logical to you or possible?
Before the at the Red Sea, the Israelites looked to be doomed. Behind, was a murderous Pharaoh and His army, ahead was an expanse of blue sea that was impossible in the physical to cross. And God asks Moses to do 1 thing that really does not make sense, He says stretch your rod. Now How on earth does that change the situation? How is that supposed to help? And yet on dry ground the Israelites crossed safely
There was at one time such a famine in the land of Israel there were even stories of Cannibalism to the point that the King in a murderous rage requests to see the prophet at the time Elisha (I think). You know what, He gives a word and days tomorrow, tomorrow, the very next day things will be plentiful and cheap it would be better than the good days. And it was.
If you consider yourself a Christian in any sort of way, may I remind you that you believe a virgin gave birth.
Yes, a woman who did not at any time have sexual relations with a man gave birth. That is what you believe. Just how possible is that?
Where is the logic in having a parade around a city and expecting it to fall ala Joshua? And mind you there were no cracks or anything visible on day 1 to 6 or even 7 except at the very last moment when the walls came down without warning and Jericho fell.
Jehoshaphat the choir in front of His army and wins a battle because it was the Word of the Lord.
Do you know that when Noah built the ark it had never rained? Do you think He looked wise or to be revered?
Our God is wise and able
He says call on me and I will answer, Come all ye that are heavy laden and i will give you rest.
He says turn to me and I will heal the land.
The Lord Jesus Christ says I have come that there might be life and life more abundantly
John in his letter says I wish above all things that ye may prosper and be in health
So I challenge you and I make this call.
Let us hope in our Lord, salvation dawns upon this nation
1 Corinthians 13 at the end says, faith hope, and love in this 3 abide
So I summon everyone who calls themselves a Christian to hope
Impossible is not a Word that exists in the vocabulary of God, and neither should it in ours
He is not nervous about the state of affairs in this nation, He is not scratching His head thinking what should I do here?
He knew beforehand what would come and He spoke beforehand the answer,
Call on me and I will answer
His arm is not too short to save, His ear is not deaf
Salvation for this nations beckons
So its time to look at this word and stand on it, to rejoice because our God is good and He is not slow in doing good. All else must be ignored and only His words must we believe and speak, for death and life is in the tongue (-not in God’s hands as we would naturally expect)
It is time to put His word on our mouth and speak it, for it is this word that will bring life to this nation
Our God is good, slow to anger and abounding in love
He has compassion on us, and as we pray in the name of Jesus we know He hears and responds.
Therefore we can boldly say this nation shall be restored and there shall be retribution
There will be vibrancy and life in the economy of this nation
This nation shall be a land of peace
It will not tarry, for our Lord swiftly is bringing healing on His wings
It is time to have hope, for our God is a good God and He is here.
It is time to hope because Jesus, the exact representation of God and His will never left any need brought to Him unmet, he never let anyone go hungry but they ate as much as they would.
And you better believe me when I say this, His intent is to see your dreams fulfilled
His desire is to see you happy and well
There is not a single man he would want to be dead.
All our needs, He wants to meet
So we better cast that cursed word impossible out of our minds and start realising that with God, all things are possible
That we the believers can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
That whatever we ask in the name of Jesus, He will do
That He indeed is good, He is not here to condemn but to rescue.
He really is good and trustworthy and I will conclude
Nothing is impossible with our God
Return to your fortress prisoners of hope
Return to a place of hope