Munyaradzi Goredema

I think Illuminati hunting is silly (3)

So I know its been a while; a month or more thereabouts since I began what I had decided to call a 3 part series on why I strongly believe “Illuminati-hunting” is silly and meaningless as a Christian endeavour. In spite of this rather lengthy time, I believe it honourable and necessary to always if possible complete what one has begun and hence today as my next post I shall conclude this series.

Having in earlier posts highlighted that the whole idea on the first part forgets how powerless the devil is today and that secondly it forgets who as believers we have been made by grace, today in the last part I shall be talking about how the “hunt” for the illuminati forgets the heart of God for humanity.
You see, the manner in which the Illuminati is portrayed; the manner in which the hunt goes on and the manner in which suspects and participants are portrayed is “loveless” about 90% of the time at least; a figure I give more in hope that someone somewhere does speak with grace because all I have encountered does not. Women in pop are often condemningly referred to as whores, as worthless and as unrepentant evil witches all in on some grand scheme and the men many times are called bastards and many other names I cannot repeat on this blog. Once someone is in there appears to be this attitude that any bad that happens to them they deserve it and they are now void of the need of someone to witness to them. I remember one of those times where I was lost somewhere on the internet just reading random blog after random blog reading some years ago, during the time when Jennifer Hudson went through a terrible tragedy and several family members of hers were shot I believe at her home and the particular author was describing it as a human sacrifice for the price of fame and for wealth and something she did willingly and had to do.  Now I may not be privy to the personal details of this particular lady’s life, but given that she was already famous by this point and had sold a lot of records already, I adjudged this claim to be nothing more than opportunistic and callous. And it is such an attitude that is to be quite honest far removed from the heart of God for humanity.
Ask someone today who believes in the Illuminati what they believe should or is going to happen to popular hip-hop figures like Lil Wayne, Miley Cyrus and Jay-Z and I am sure you will hear a mouthful and descriptive language on why the opinions are justified and just how evil these people are and how their wickedness deserves to be punished. Now concerning their personal lives, I cannot make a statement but there is no doubt that the musical content they make popular is far removed from what scripture teaches and the bible teaches that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks; which by implication says a lot about how much the people love God. That said, we need to understand what God’s heart is for people who are wicked and who are actively living in sin and proud of it.
John 3:16 is many people’s get out of jailcard for a memory verse but too often its meaning is lost as we have become familiar with it. The verse talks about God’s love for the world: not for the righteous, or the sinless or the ultra-perfect but the world. The same world which we are told we are “in and not off;” the same world that is full of sin, full of the lusts of the flesh, the pride of life and which is by the position at loggerheads with God. Yes, that world that glories itself in sin, God loves it and sent His son Jesus the Christ to die for it. Not because He will ever agree or condone such behaviour, but because in His love He made a way to both render judgment for evil sin, and at the same time extend mercy to the undeserving. That way is called Jesus by whom we are to understand fully that God as He declares in the book of Ezekiel and 2 Peter that He does not in any way like to see wicked people die but would rather see them come to repentance and to life. You see, it is this heart for sinners that we need to have and see for whoever it is who may be in sin, who may be its biggest advocate and who maybe totally set in their minds that they do not need God. It is a heart that instead of condemning is willing to get into the closet and pray for the salvation of sinners, and be courageous enough to stand for both what is right and for the salvation of the sinner.
In conclusion, I will finish with the words of Jesus; “The well have no need of a doctor;” and whenever we see people with resources, with influence with wealth misleading many, we need never forget that they also are in dire need of salvation and instead of setting up people of flesh and blood as our enemies, we need to remember we “wrestle not against flesh and blood but against powers, principalities and princes of the air”
Be blessed.

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