So today I want to continue where I began today on my first post where I began and I just out right honest about the fact that I think Illuminati hunting is silly and on a number of counts, is more of a distraction than really anything productive for a number of reasons; namely:
- It forgets what the cross has done to the devil in this present day
- It forgets who the church really is in this day
- It forgets the heart of God for His people
- It forgets the heart of God for the lost and the broken
And today, I want to continue where I left off. So the first point I want to address regards what has been done to the devil; a point which I am sure at some point might even be worthy of its own book and several sermons because far too many people have too big and to powerful a devil. In Matthew 28:18, when Jesus meets his disciples after He has resurrected, He tells them “Behold All Authority in Heaven and on Earth is given unto me…”
All Authority and that in itself tells me that other than that which the devil steals or uses by the permission of others either through their own will or ignorance, the devil has no authority here on earth; He does not have the final say and this is a reality as believers we need to awaken to when confronted with any and every situation: the devil has no final say. And may I remind you; that as God, Jesus already had authority but as a man, He had none hence the Bible says He gave up His right as King to live as a man and everything He did and won, He won in the position of a man, for humanity since the original plan to begin with was to give man dominion. In the context of the Illuminati, this means whether they exist or not, whether the videos of all expose’s of souls selling in the name of money are true or not; it is irrelevant to the life of a believer because the devil and all of his cohorts have 0 authority, Jesus has it all and you can smile in full confidence that He is more than qualified as a capable guardian and protector of you no matter who it is who dares begin to think they can lift their hand against you.
Now, not only does the devil has no authority, but He and his cohorts have been rendered powerless. Colossians 2: 15 in the King James Version reads “And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it” —regarding what Jesus has done on the cross to the enemy. In the originals, I have come to understand that the actual word used for disarming means to render powerless, utterly incapable and it conveys a sense of complete and utter defeat. I rejoiced when I learnt that because what it meant was the devil had no power over me at all because of what calvary has done; and all I had to do was receive a completed work; and this same reality remains consistent today as well. The cross of calvary has rendered the devil powerless, by Jesus Christ he was rendered incapable and if that is true, no organisation he raises today should incite worry or panic or fear in me today because I know no matter what, the devil has already been defeated and it is from that position that I take up my fight.
And what that looks like I believe is not cowering in fear and judgement day in and day out over what next the Illuminati does or who next they recruit; but rather simply determining day in and out to witness in boldness and power to the people around us the reality of the power of the cross knowing that it is the goodness of God that leads to repentance and that the world will never know his goodness, if there is none willing to preach it and that a gospel that goes without power is not good news but another nice philosophy to get people in line and that it is our mandate to bring the world into an encounter with what God is like and who He really is. And this I believe leads me to the second point—who the church really is.
Speaking to believers on a matter of sexual immorality, Paul mentioned that “Know ye not that your bodies are temples of the Holy Ghost” (1 Corinthians 6:19) Yes, the same Spirit who hovered on the earth and executed the marvel that today is creation, the same Spirit who raised Jesus Christ from the dead and performed miracles amazing from the time of the disciples up to today in the lives of men who believe: He dwells in the body(ies) of believers. The same Spirit who has never been outsmarted in battle and who will never be, who has won every battle he entered and conquered every enemy that stood against Him personally is given to believer (2 Corinthians 1:22, Eph 1:13) and is as powerful in us as He has ever been and He is the one who resides in the bride of Christ. Surely, can any enemy that rises up against the Church stand? Will the church be defeated by evil? Will the wicked endure and inherit the earth? (Ps 37) No, never says the word of the Lord.
1 Peter 2:26 referring to a prophecy of a cornerstone given by Isaiah speaks of “He who puts his trust in the cornerstone never being put to shame:” and who is the church but she who has willingly given herself to the Lamb and Lion of God, the King with all power and whose name that is above every name she is the only delegated authority who can wield it and enjoy the benefits? Who is the church but she of whom the bible describes of having Jesus died for her to present her to himself radiant, shining, without blemish, spot or wrinkle? (Eph 5:27) Who is the church but the sons of God who are also heirs and co-heirs with Christ who so happen to be seated with Him in heavenly places, far above every principality and power? (John 1; Eph 2:6)? Who are the church but the body made righteous by the blood of Jesus when He took our sin as his own and to us imputed His own righteousness (I Cor 6:11, Romans 3:22, Romans 5)?
You see, we need to awaken to who we are. We are accepted in the beloved (Eph 1:6), we are sons of God, we are His body and we are the ones delegated to effect his plans or desires on this planet. Unfortunately, for some of us our experience of what God does in the church ends with what is humanely possible; it ends with what can be planned and explained and what sometimes well run social clubs can also do and we have not really begun to comprehend the supernatural nature of who God is, and what He can and wants to do in our lives and through our lives to reach out to the world with arms of healing and forgiveness. But brothers and sistes we are so much more; our God, who is living and whose word is sharper than any pierced sword is with us? Can any stand against a people so dearly loved and cherished by God and hope to stand? Really? Have we forgotten we are highly favoured; we are the people under a covenant of which God says “Your sins and lawless deeds, I will remember no more (Hebrews 8:12)?”
When we know we are, we will realise that it is irrelevant if there is an Illuminati, or if they are real or not because if they are real, they have taken up a doomed position even now in this life on earth against the people of God and they cannot ever hope to stand.
I am a bit tired now, and Later I may review and update but that is highly unlikely. For now I have to end here, and say I will continue next time. I have confidence that the word I share is of the Lord, and that it will richly bear fruit in many to bring peace and freedom especially from fear of this and that as I simply continue to share what I believe to be at the core the simple message that God is good and He loves you.
Be blessed, and may the Spirit of God be with you and bring your desires to come to pass.