I will be the first to admit as I write this piece today that I am angry and part of this has been my motivation.
But in all honesty I believe I am justified in being so for such is the subtlety of the hypocrisy I intend to talk of today that it is more common, more pernicious than its more obvious forms and so disguised in how it comes it often is either misdiagnosed or given a place of honour as wisdom.
The state of this nation, the industries in this nation and even the political atmosphere is not one many will deem ideal and for that reason many a soul has left for the purposes of acquiring for themselves a better future. The salaries are not what people want, others will cite a lack of freedom and some simply look for what is described cloudily as greener pastures. In the face of this, many go to their prayer closets day and night and pray for the day that the nation sees brighter days. In this hope, many a church prayer has been organised, many more in private have been held and not to mention the silent sighs and exhausted groans.
But now may I ask, by the same prayerful people, by the same groaning mouths how many a dream have had their death? How many passionate young men and young women, earnest fathers and mothers have rose and said “I believe in a better Zimbabwe, and I want to do ABC…” and have been by the same prayerful fellows been told their talents, their energies, and their person are better used somewhere else? That they would be better rewarded by a life less “troubled” and by these words have set aside their dreams, their hopes and passions for the rebuilding of a nation to pursue a life not on their hearts?
It is a story all too familiar and for which I must ask a question….. Who then shall be the solution? Who then will rebuild this nation to be the great glorious thing we imagine it can be? Do answers tk prayer fall neatly packaged in courier boxes from heaven? Will industry miraculously revive itself without visionary leaders and passion? And for those who complain about politics, when you stop the upstanding fellow you know from joining politics because it is a dirty game, who do you think is better equipped to make it clean? Was not a heathen nation by one righteous man (Daniel) in government turned to God?? Twice in fact…
Therein is the hypocrisy I see and speak about. People want something to change in business, in a church, in a government but when one rises and says I want to start a business that employs a 1000 people in this economy, you stop them and the next moment you pray for jobs. What are you doing? Where is your mind?
Because you see, it is people who effect either good or bad, it is people with dreams who either make the world better or bitter. It is people who often carry the answer to what you have been praying for and even if you so not know it when you crush such a dream, often what you do in essence stand in the way to the answer to your own prayer. The answer to Goliath was David, but his brothers would have had him herding sheep, the answer to sin was Jesus but his brothers would have had him killed and today my friend, the answer to what you desire is in the dreams of those around you; dreams that have been planted by God and you would do well to encourage, to help and to support than to discourage and dissuade and in essence just live the life of hypocrisy…
I pray the Lord blesses you and that his presence is with you always.