Today I wish to conclude the piece on accurately perceive temptation in what will be one of my final articles before the year closes. In the first part, I spoke of how to realise that no matter what the devil hates you and everything he tempts you to do is out of that motive-He wants to see your destruction in whatever way possible. He knew the punishment for eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil would be death, and he tricked Eve into believing this was not so-why, He wanted Eve to suffer the consequence for eating the fruit i.e. he wanted her to die and he also wanted to steal their God given authority over creation.
In this concluding part, I will also make reference to the same portion of scripture I made reference to the last time out of Genesis; in particular Genesis 3:6 which begins “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom…” It continues but to this part I want to draw your attention. You see the fruit that Eve ate at the moment was not horrible to taste in their mouths-rather, it appealed to her senses and in that moment she fell, she was more conscious of the appeal of the fruit than of the inevitable consequences that would surely follow. And today my friend, the strategy of the devil is the same.
I doubt there is any sin that does not appeal to at least one of your senses in the moment you commit it-rather in some way, it bears an appeal and a thrill to do it and it appears consequence free. Your eyes are taken off the consequences or you are totally deceived to believing there are none and you go on to savour the momentary thrill that then takes you on a long road of pain and entrapment and imprisonment.
It feels good to accept the bribe under the table-for in the moment it appears a boost in your finances and no one could ever know; it feels good to be cheating in your relationships for in the moment there is the thrill of an ego boost and sexual excitement; it feels good to win in a physical fight or war of words with someone who has wronged you for you feel they now know your stand and haazombokujairire; it feels good to have sex before marriage because the thrill of the orgasm remains and it appears you are gaining one on the foolish ones who are waiting because in your mind they will only be left with your “conquered territoty ” to settle with.
I could quote more but the principle is the same; sin will taste sweet in your mouth but it has a bitterness that will remain in your stomach. Look at the rate of divorces we have today, the pain in the divorcee’s heart and in the suffering children; consider the sickly state of our economy and infrastructure; consider how many families don’t even want to even talk to each other because of many a fight they have had against each other. Is it worth it? Is that momentary sin worth all the pain that follows? It is always the devil’s strategy to take your eyes of the consequences of sin or to deceive you to believe that there are none so you think the momentary thrill is worth it. For I believe there is but a fleeting thrill with each and every sin and it suits the devil to get your focus to be only on the thrill and to forget the consequences. Why, because he wants you to suffer the full weight of the consequences of sin—the pain, the hurt, the rejection, the loneliness, the broken families—and that is simply His nature. He wanted Adam and Eve to die so he tricked them that the fruit had no consequences and it is his desire to do the same with you.
So my friend do not be deceived, there are consequences to every action–The godly choice invariably leads to peace, joy and fulfilment, and love abounding even if it may mean letting go of what in the moment appears to be a thrill. The ungodly one nomatter how thrilling it is in the moment, is a one way ticket to immense pain for you and those around you.
I trust that this awareness will aid you to resist the wiles of the devil and walk in the paths of God which will be full of joy and peace. If however you find yourself in a lot of pain because you have been deceived and you are wondering if you can ever be restored to a place where there is peace in your heart, the answer is yes. May I lead you to pray the following prayer (Feel free to be honest and to add what it is that is on your heart):
Father in Heaven, forgive me where I have fallen for I am sorry. Your word says your Spirit is the comforter, may you come into my heart and comfort me, heal my heart of the wounds I bear and may you take care of this pain. I want to be free to live a life of peace and joy without the weight of this pain. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen
My friend, you will experience the grace of God in your situation and I assure you that my Father shall in response to your prayer surprise you with His exceeding goodness.
May you be blessed.