Munyaradzi Goredema

Hope does not disappoint

So it has been a while since I have blogged. A long testing time for me; where I have made some good decisions, and some not so good irresponsible ones. And today, as I write this; realising this is the half-time point of the year; I write with two things in mind. I am looking back at what God has done and looking forward with hope A hope that is an eager and earnest expectation that the dreams I have; high and lofty as they are , will surely come to pass.

In the book of Romans, the Bible tells us that “hope does not disappoint.” A simple statement, but one that is counter what our environment and our culture says. Way too many people I hear are afraid to give voice to their dreams; dreams to find the cure for cancer, and a political solution to the Leadership mess that exists across so many nations. Way too many people do not want to give voice to the kind of family they want to have-their own history is too messy; or to the kind of house they would love to have, and the organisation they would want to be a part of: for their own family history seems to suggest that maybe they do not belong there. It is said out of many lips “This country is cursed,” and “things will never change, so why bother having hope?” because for too long, many have seen the same Goliath taunting them and have become disenchanted and disillusioned.

I have heard it said that “It is the hope that kills” when a certain commentator was speaking of Liverpool’s loooong wait for a Premier League Trophy, and how emotional the supporters were after the team narrowly missed out. And I think that feeling, that pain of wishing you have never had the hope in the first place is what the Bible was referring to as “Hope deferred makes the heart sick…” in Proverbs 13:12. Because really, our hearts do break when the hopes and dreams we had do not come to pass. I myself remember crying when my Form 4 results were made known to me, and my Shona result was not what I had wanted. I had invested late nights, reading of novels and research to try to get that elusive A. And when it did not come, I was so frustrated. And though the example may seem petty; my point is simply that I can relate to the feeling of a heavy heart from an unfulfilled dream.

But today I write because as I look into the word of God, I see promises. I see Isaiah 35 that talks about God coming with a vengeance to defend his people; I see Psalms 103 that reminds me of the benefits of the good Lord who is my Father. And I see the story of my past, and I see His faithfulness. I see how he guided me in my tertiary studies, and gave me wisdom to graduate Summa Cum Laude; and I see the testimony of how he got me into the job I have now; from where I was years ago.

I see how he has set me free from pornography, anger and bitterness and made me a different person-a new creature in His image; and I remember the soothing peace that floods me when I am in His Presence, and He reminds me that I am loved. I see all of this, and I know I do not deserve any of it. I also look into the record of history, and the testimony of the present. And I hear today He is still healing, cancers, HIV, TB, the lame, the mute, and all who are sick. I see and consider all of this and my heart is convinced; convicted even that He is good, He is love and He does not make empty promises. In shona we say, “haanyemudze” , when he makes a promise, it is because He intends to keep it; and to show Himself strong on the behalf of those who call on His name.

So I consider my environment and I ask you to look at yours; and yes the money situation is not great; and maybe work could be a lot better; but these Goliaths in front of me will be the reason for which a year from today; I will be testifying of His goodness and His love. I do not know what the deliverance will look like; nor do i yet know which fork in the road I must take; but I know that “hope does not disappoint” because I know the one in whom I have put mine. If the basket is the love of God, then I will not be afraid to put all of my eggs in it.

He asks questions in His word like “Does He who formed the eye not see?” “Does He who formed the ear not hear?” And He assures us, “Not a single word of His will fail,” and “It is not by might, nor by power, but by His Spirit” To these questions, I want my answer to be an unadulterated; unashamed yes.

Yes, I have hope that I will walk in economic freedom; free to fulfill my call in him out of the 7 to 5 cycle of daily life; yes I have hope, I will have a godly marriage, with God at the centre of it all. Yes, I have hope, the economic and political climate of my country Zimbabwe will change and foster prosperous living for all; yes I have hope that the story of Africa will not be continued groanings of a painful past but the glorious beauty of a new dawn on her soil.

Yes, I have hope, hope in the Lord my God; and I believe that this hope I have in Him will not be disappointed because He does not disappoint.


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