Munyaradzi Goredema

God is not dead, even if your world is confusing.

Hi, so it is February, and like last year, the pace at which my life is moving is a surprise. I remember I wrote some goals down; 2 year goals, 5, 10, and 30 year goals for where I want my life to go. And it being the first time actually second time to live by my goals; I am finding it a bit of a difficult time to adjust, and keep my commitment on.

Amongst the things that have happened in the start of my year; is a >200% increase in fuel prices, the untimely death of civilians at the hands of brutal and cruel agents of oppressive agendas in my nation. For me, a promotion at work, and my search for a new place to stay continues-as well as my quest to get fit as a good steward of my body. It is quite the mixed bag to be honest, and whilst I can find just cause to complain about the fairness of life, and why I had to be born in a nation such as Zimbabwe.

Many things that happen, the brutality, the dilapidated infrastructure and the chronic inefficiencies with which many government departments function all pose the great temptation to lose hope. But then, there are a few truths I believe will keep us grounded as we become the people God has called us to be. And the one I want to just zone in on, is that God is not dead. No matter how bleak, how hopeless the situation looks, or how unattainable the victory seems, God is not dead.

God, who is more powerful than all of our kings combined; who is without equal in the earth and in the Heavens above, who is infinitely greater and stronger than the Devil and all His cohorts is still alive. In conquering death, rising on the 3rd day, Jesus has given us solid, conclusive proof that we need not fear death, it is an enemy that has already been overcome. And in Him coming to live within us, we can confidently say that resurrection power lives in us; and has an influence-or rather, is meant to have an influence in each and every area of our lives. He is not dead; he has overcome death.

In Jesus, we have the living embodiment of why we can trust the word of God to do what is says in our lives, and in our nation-He said it, and He did it. He died, and He rose, raised up to life by the Spirit having completed the victory; and He will do it again. Jesus in Isaiah 5 is described as Everlasting; meaning that even as every other thing in life conforms to the appointed cycles and changes; He never does. He is always all powerful, always full of incomprehensible love and power, and always living. Nothing can touch or affect this eternal nature of who our God is-it is permanently who He is.

And having said this, God, who is supreme, and alive is for us, not against us. And if Jesus was so precious in his eyes, yet has died for me, and rose; is there any of our requests, dreams, hopes and visions that He will withhold from us? I do not think so….


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