Its been a while and life is hectic at the moment with my finals of my final year coming along, but over the next couple of days or so I hope to add more to this series that I begun a while ago. It was on the simple topic that “God is Faithful” where I began by looking and explaining that this means that He will be there by your side whenever you need Him and He if you would prove to you over time that He is for you.
Today, the part of faithfulness that I desire to speak on concerns that part of it where it speaks on the nature of the person themselves, and the consistency they have in being true to themselves and to that which they hold dear. Once you realise that God is faithful and that He is true to Himself, the next part will be for you to look at who God is and to know who He is.
There are many voices that attempt to give a picture of who God is and what He is like, many of which are false but if ever you have any doubt, look at the following scriptures. In the book of Hebrews in Chapter 1, The bible declares Jesus to be the exact representation of His nature and the exact likeness of His being. It says in times past, God spoke through the prophets and the law but now Has made Himself completely visible for who He is in the person of Jesus Christ. And Jesus revealed God as Father, as love as a God of Mercy. In Psalms 103 in verses 7 to 8, the ways of God are revealed as “compassionate and gracious; slow to anger and abounding in love; as a God who will neither always accuse nor harbour his anger forever.” Whatever doubts or concerns you have concerning who God is, just look at Jesus and who He is and realise that that is the exact nature of who God is.
Now that you realise this, you need to realise that He is faithful to who He is. He has no variability in character, nor is He this one moment and another thing the other. He remains true to His nature always. So smile my friend because God is is faithful to His goodness and love towards you.
You are greatly loved.