So today, I was reading Genesis 21, i think from a cross reference of another article, and I came to the point where it talked about Ishmael. How he and his mother were freed into what seemed like certain death and how God delivered them.
The part that says “God heard the cry of the boy” jumped out at me, and as I took a few moments to reflect, i became profoundly aware that the story of Ishmael is to us, a testament of the abounding mercy and love of God. It is a glimpse into the workings of God that should give us confidence when we pray.
A little earlier in the story, it is apparent that Ishmael was born of an attempt by Sarah to fulfill the plan of God according to the wisdom of man. He was born out of the rational approach of a man in trying to make sense of an irrational promise-that Sarah, past menopause, who had never been with child, would give birth. And when He is cast out, it seems so unfair-the very person who initiated that Abraham have Hagar for the purposes of having a child, is the one who now said be gone. Even stranger, is that God says yes to their casting out, which seems cruel and harsh, especially when seen from the standpoint of Ishmael.
When they are cast out, and Hagar, his mother, and Ishmarl wander in the desert, they come to a place of near death: the water runs out and Hagar sees that Ishmael is about to die. The word says she left him, and went a long distance away and was waiting for him to die. The Greek version of the scripture then says “the lad began to cry” and the next scripture says what my theme for this blog today is “And God heard the cry of the lad”
It was a hopeless situation apparently, death was certain, and Ishmael did not even make a perfect prayer—all He did was cry, and the Lord heard. I stress the point God heard, because every time in scripture it says God heard, subsequently there is an action. He hears, and responds to the need, he brings an answer to what he hears. So full of compassion is He that when He hears, his heart is touched and his hand moves. In this case, he opens the eyes of Hagar to see a well, which then becomes their salvation in this moment.
He saves, but after he heard. I find this encouraging, heartening even because of the assurance that Jesus brings of God hearing us. I find encouragement because of the new testament believer, it says come boldly to the very throne of grace to obtain mercy in time of need, come boldly into his presence because a living way has been made. It says we are seated with Christ Jesus himself in heavenly places, and that the Holy Spirit himself makes intercession on my behalf. It says in Psalms Ask of me and I will give you the nations for an inheritance, and it says Ask and the door shall be opened.
I found confidence as i read this because i realised God is not a spectator to the pleas and cries of my heart, but rather that He hears and moves. Not because of me, but because of who He is, and His own compassion and mercy.
It says also in the text, that a promise was made to Abraham, that Ishmael would become a great nation because God has regard for Abraham. As i thought on this, my mind paused in awe because I realised who my Advocate is, and who my High Priest is. And if salvation came to Ishmael because of Abraham, how much more, will God come to the defence of the believer because of His unfettered love for the Holy Spirit and for Jesus? How much more should I celebrate knowing I am defended and cherished because of my saviour? How much more should I rest and have confidence knowing that when I ask Him, He hears?….