Munyaradzi Goredema


So for starters, yes this is kind of drawn from a hashtag that has been trending over the past few days. Like many hashtags, it has its very funny takes, absolutely dry ones and those that are so-so. I have taken the liberty to share a few of my favourites in this post; though some might be wondering what on earth could #DateOneSide have to do with a “Christian Blog” but I advise you to stick around. Today’s post will not be long.

Beyond the giggles and the roars of laughter, there is an element of truth to this Hashtag that I would be so happy if all believers knew; we have no business going out with unbelievers. And before anyone has a 1000 razor sharp walls already up, I will only continue after reminding us that God lets us know in Ps 84:11 that no good thing, will he withhold from those who seek His face. In 2 Corinthians 6; 14-17, Paul exhorts us not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers and He asks the question “What fellowship does light have with darkness or righteousness with unrighteousness?”

Put that way, it comes across much harder than we like to perceive it through the lens of our legitimate and good desire to get married, perceptions of how “we live in a changed world” and nagging doubts as to why in particular this matters. Through the lens of him or her being the best they can be trying to woo you and how good that actually feels to have someone say they like you; they want to be with you and maybe the voice of fear that creates the doubts in your mind to say what if you never meet someone like them again?

It can seem difficult, but I believe the answer stems from a twofold problem; the first being a failure to see just how abject the state of man without God is-How it is all a concoction of vanity and selfish pursuits and totally separate from what true joy and the culmination of love is: and the second problem which is like unto the first is our inability to see the perfection of the work of redemption; how it severs from man a nature of sin and proclaims him (John 1) to no longer be a man born of the will of man but now one born of the will of God; and in another place a new creation.

If truly we could see that a man’s righteousness apart from God is as filthy menstrual rags, and that once born again, we are the righteousness of God, a holy nation and a royal priesthood; all the consequences of being unequally yoked would be obvious and we would not want them. A conclusive list would be difficult if not impossible, given that people differ; and at the same time many have that 1 obscure example of people who “made it work.” To the latter, I have this one question-how much better would it have been if both were walking in agreement? Able to stand with each other in prayer and contending for family, for communities and nations; able to resolve all manner of conflict from the infallible word of God and their love a bold testimony of who God is?


I promised to keep this short so I will conclude here and say to the believer, #DateOneSide is not merely a funny hashtag but a beautiful reality designed to make the fruits of marriage sweet and the bosom of love neverending.


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