Many a time we as humans will take back our word. We will say I didn’t mean that or I was only joking and the like. We will say or promise things we have no intention of fulfilling and as a result a trail of pain and heartache is often in our wake: the story of the promises we did not keep and the careless words we flung like gravel into our loved one’s faces. But not so with God. Not a single word God speaks is in vain; not a single one escapes without a purpose or plan. There is a scripture in the book of Psalms that says Even above His name has the Lord exalted his word. At first I thought is a theological farce when I heard someone say even above His name has the Lord exalted His Word. It didn’t think it made sense and it was technically blasphemy in my eyes. Now try to imagine how it blew my mind when I realised that actually it was a verse in scripture that if memory serves me right is actually repeated a few times in scripture. At that moment; the significance of the Word of God assumes a whole new dimension in your mind. The Word of God is more than mere words: it is the decree of an all powerful King of His will that no force on Earth, in Heaven and under the Earth can stop. It expresses how the most powerful being intends to exert His influence and for its execution; there is Spirit of God-He who hovered over the formless Earth and effected the execution of the word of creation: who overshadowed Mary and the virgin conceived and who saw to it that at the Word of Jesus, at that of the prophets before Him and the apostles and saints after was made to come to pass. Never is there a moment when without purpose the word escapes His mouth. In the book of Isaiah, the word of God is compared to the rain and to the snow (dew in another translation)-Neither of which can fall and fail to result in the joyous and sensuous response of nature; from the plants that become lush and green, to the refreshing sharp scent of rain on soil that is