Munyaradzi Goredema



You have a Father in heaven

In Malachi, it is written “and He will restore the hearts of fathers to their children.” A promise that is so wonderful and encouraging if you know what the heart of the Father is, and yet at the same time one that could as easily skip you by if your experience with father figures around […]


A few thoughts on love

Just so we are clear, I do not care who you will name to me who has taught otherwise to the body of Christ but if it does not look live love, it is wrong and you have been lied toPrecious people, God Almighty wants you to know Him by this name, AbbaThe Spirit of


The lines are fallen to me in pleasant places

Sometimes people look at you and wonder why you could be so determined to see the will of God prevail, they wonder why you could have such courage and strength in God and how it is possible to live with such conviction of His word. There is only one answer, taste and see that the


Happy Valentine’s Day

What does Valentine’s Day mean to you? Is it a day you hate as a guy because your girl expects a present and you know it is probably going to cost you? Is it a day you hate as a girl or guy because this year you are single and all your friends are going


Impossible and Hope

Impossible and Hope Impossible; It is a word too often quoted Too often it is what ends the dream of a child to go to the Olympics; It is that whispered deception it cannot be done that to the human spirit brings despair and hopelessness, a cursed state of spirit where one simply believes what


Open and closed doors

Preamble I wrote this immediately after not getting an attachment place with Unilever. I was not bitter but i was moved in spirit to write and declare this. Two weeks later, this becomes my testimony. i have a horrid 5 minute interview, i stumble through the questions and actually come to a place of saying


The Country I know

I look at the country I know, Zimbabwe, the land of my fathers and of my people I do not like what I see Everywhere I turn, wherever I look, there is bitterness and strife In most, an anger rages beneath the surface, venting itself from time to time on some hapless victim The words

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