Munyaradzi Goredema


Dreams, Faith, Hearing God, Hope, Prosperity, Thoughts

Who is like unto God?

The backdrop of life in my country in acute uncertainty, things change and many times it seems not to make sense. To give a picture, or a sense of this, I literally do not know what currency we will be using at the end of the year, what value it will have or whether it will make sense to have savings in the bank or not. Queues appear everywhere, for basic things like fuel, mealie meal and of all things hard cash itself. Bank withdrawals for many are not enough to cover the return fare home, let alone suffice for monthly groceries and tales of gruesome crime by men wielding machetes are on the increase…

Authentic, Freedom, Hope, The Will of God, Ways of God, Word of God

A permanent reason to hope

A reason that really will redefine how we do life; that will redefine how we respond to challenges and setbacks, and put our hearts at rest irrespective of what today may look like for each one of us. For those of us who like to cut to the chase; the simple reason always boils down to Him, God, our Father and His assurance of love for us that is exemplified by His death on the cross.

Authentic, Faith, Freedom, grace, Hope, Money, Relationships, Strongholds, Testimony, Thoughts, Ways of God, Word of God

Hope does not disappoint

I myself remember crying when my Form 4 results were made known to me, and my Shona result was not what I had wanted. I had invested late nights, reading of novels and research to try to get that elusive A. And when it did not come, I was so frustrated. And though the example may seem petty; my point is simply that I can relate to the feeling of a heavy heart from an unfulfilled dream.

Authentic, Hearing God, Hope, Thoughts

A gentle reminder

As I write this, I wonder where you are in your walk with Him. Are you overwhelmed with trying to survive in a broken country; or in a skewered economy; and has the challenge of it made you forget what glory the promise there is on your life?…

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