What is faith? Is it a feeling? Is it a state of mind? Or is it some intangible, other-dimension reality that we will really not be able to find words for?
What is faith? Is it a feeling? Is it a state of mind? Or is it some intangible, other-dimension reality that we will really not be able to find words for?
I realized recently, that no matter how good you are at your job, you will not be a good fit for every organization hiring for your role.
In the desert, the children of Israel neither sowed nor reaped. Nor would it have made sense for them to do so, or pray for success is such.
With this in mind, does it make a lot of sense to pray and hope for individual blessing when your nation’s economy is evidently failing?
There are so many people living in fear today. Some are in fear of the virus, some are in fear of the vaccine to the virus-deeming it the marker of the antichrist. I will not pretend to know how the end-times will pan out.
Way too many people more gifted than I am, more learned than I am and more mature than I am have been wrong before, and many more will be in this season. One thing I do know however, is there is an assurance of salvation in Christ that is not often spoken of. An assurance that precludes the fear of either the virus or the vaccine.
It is a cliché you will find in every self help book and it is definitely not original advice. It is a monotonous drone coming out of every success planning video you will ever listen to and advice as common as table salt. As boring and as old as the advice may sound, it works. And if you have not started doing this before, you need to start today…
I have been talking a lot about rest and trust in God in my recent posts, and today I will dwell on the same theme. The physical environment around me is depressing if one dwells on it. Unofficial inflation is pegged at over 1000%, 80+% of the working population is not formally employed and government seems to have no willingness to implement the solutions that are widely accepted as the ones that will work i.e. dollarization.
Are you on the verge of depression in this season of life? Do you have pressures due to your work, or the absence of it that cause you to be in constant mental anguish? Do you have fears for your health because of Covid-19, or Ebola or any other disease prominent in this time? Are you intimidated by the size of your own dreams? And now you fear your dreams are just that. Dreams that have no place in the tomorrow that is your future. Does your world seem to be crashing on top of you? Event after event building up a load on your back you doubt you can bear?
Discover a simple but powerful way out with new post @PrisonerofHopeZimbabwe
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. That is what 2 Corinthians 4 verse 16 says. This however is not a natural disposition for many of us. Many of us are like Doctor Strange in infinity war. Except instead of worrying for a moment, this is our permanent state of mind. Inspite of the fact that we know that Jesus says of his yoke, it is easy and that his burden is light.
Some see them as restrictions; but rather than dwell on the excessive fear that death is on my doorstep, why not step into faith and hope and find out what you can do to make the most out of this season….