Munyaradzi Goredema

Hearing God

Hearing God, Hope


What is faith? Is it a feeling? Is it a state of mind? Or is it some intangible, other-dimension reality that we will really not be able to find words for?

Hearing God, Hope, Humility, Prosperity, The Will of God, Thoughts, Ways of God

Happy New Year

As we reflect on the past year and look forward to this one, I hope we can identify moments and periods in time where we can really see when the hand of God moved in our lives and made a difference….

There is wisdom in having a vision and planning for the future. And if we look at our heroes of the faith, they all had a concrete idea of who they were living for and what they wanted to achieve….

If we are not proactive about what our priorities, key goals and aims for life are, we may be more likely to miss them.

Authentic, Hearing God, Hope, Humility

Selfish Blessings

In the desert, the children of Israel neither sowed nor reaped. Nor would it have made sense for them to do so, or pray for success is such.

With this in mind, does it make a lot of sense to pray and hope for individual blessing when your nation’s economy is evidently failing?

Hearing God, Humility, The Will of God, Thoughts

Be sure you are saved (5)

Like me, maybe you just want to stop wearing the uncomfortable, hot mask all over the place and have that temperature gun frequently aimed at your head all of the time. And that may be the only reason you are considering the vaccine, but you still habour the gnawing fear that just what is those people are right? Just what if it is the mark of the beast?

Freedom, Hearing God, Prayer, Word of God

Be Sure you are saved (3) The Perfect Sacrifice

Of Jesus however, it says in the book of Hebrews that He died as an offering for sin once, and for all. When He was crucified for the sin of the world, it was for all of them; past, present and future. It was not just for those sins committed up until His death. hence in our lives also, when we receive what He has done, the slate of sin is wiped clean, and in its place He writes “Child of the Most High God!” That is now who you are when you receive Him. A child of God. A forgiven, favoured and loved child of God.

Hearing God, Prayer, Word of God

Be sure you are saved (2) – Only Believe

John 3:36 says the following; “He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him” in the King James Version. Verse 16 of the same chapter says “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” In both, the simple message we often mess up with additions and conditions is this: for your salvation, all you ever need to do is believe.

#silhoutte man worshipping at empty cross
Faith, Freedom, Hearing God, Hope

Be sure you are saved (1)

There are so many people living in fear today. Some are in fear of the virus, some are in fear of the vaccine to the virus-deeming it the marker of the antichrist. I will not pretend to know how the end-times will pan out.
Way too many people more gifted than I am, more learned than I am and more mature than I am have been wrong before, and many more will be in this season. One thing I do know however, is there is an assurance of salvation in Christ that is not often spoken of. An assurance that precludes the fear of either the virus or the vaccine.

Freedom, Hearing God, Humility, Strongholds, Thoughts, Ways of God

4 reasons we struggle to receive God’s promises

But if we are honest, our walk as Christians often does not reflect this limitless power available to us but rather, we often look at the lives of the disciples and Jesus as the pinnacle of what Christianity could be. A pinnacle we have no right to dare dream of seeing in our lifetimes but that must remain solely on the pages of scripture for our admiration….

Dreams, Hearing God, Thoughts

Understanding Your Calling

Have you ever felt conflicted; as though your job and your calling were not aligned, or worse-that it was the polar opposite of who you were? I have, and for me sometimes that feeling left me burning with a deep anxiety-the burning fear and question being am I wasting my life? And another like it-am I pursuing what God really sent me to do or is this secular career interfering with who God has made me?

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