Munyaradzi Goredema


Authentic, grace

2021 – A few thoughts

Nevertheless, I have hope. My God is alive-He is not panicking because of either the economy, Covid19 or my chickens which of late had perfected the art of waking up dead. He is not full of anxiety for when my life will become all that He intends it to be-the full measure of the stature of Christ (Ephesians 4 vs 13) and neither should I. After all, as Jesus asked, what can I achieve by worrying?

Authentic, Faith, Freedom, grace, Hope, Money, Relationships, Strongholds, Testimony, Thoughts, Ways of God, Word of God

Hope does not disappoint

I myself remember crying when my Form 4 results were made known to me, and my Shona result was not what I had wanted. I had invested late nights, reading of novels and research to try to get that elusive A. And when it did not come, I was so frustrated. And though the example may seem petty; my point is simply that I can relate to the feeling of a heavy heart from an unfulfilled dream.

Dreams, grace

Hello 2019

So my first post in the year comes a bit late and maybe it is around that time when you and I are looking at some of resolutions with the realization that maybe we did not know just how much commitment we would need; or how much of a shift it would mean to how

Authentic, grace, Thoughts

Who is she?

Who is she whose love is fierce Whose passion is undying And who has an unyielding prayer For me to succeed and do well? Who is she whose smile is dear to my soul Whose tears whilst they live on her face; In my heart awaken the flame of compassion? And whose pain so deeply

Authentic, Freedom, grace, Strongholds

Sin-it is a battle we can win

Having spoken at relative length on the destructive and pernicious nature of sin, it would be unwise to end there; for in many ways that would only inspire fear. Sin is deadly; and it is because of 1 sin alone, the eating of the wrong tree that there is death, sickness, poverty and all the

Authentic, Dreams, grace, Word of God

I will restore

The manner of post that I will share today will carry a tone I do not often carry; a manner of speaking that may be construed as many things, that can be many things but one that as I write in my heart I carry a conviction that is a manner which at times, even


Grace and Works

Ever heard people say they really do not know how to get around all the different perspectives or denominations of Christianity; that they do not know how to get their heads around it all and that at times they are just confused and leave it as “Everyone has their own interpretation of the Bible?” Well,

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