Munyaradzi Goredema


Authentic, Freedom, Thoughts

Mindset (1)

Gen 11:6 And the LORD said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. Pause for a moment, to think and reflect about how crazy this statement actually […]

Dreams, Freedom

Want to achieve your dreams?

Be intentional. That’s it. It sounds corny and cheesy, and even merely motivational at first. But it is the truth. Dreaming is not enough on its own. Hoping or wishing for it to happen on its own is in many cases an exercise in futility. You need to act with intention and with purpose. You

Faith, Freedom, The Will of God

Be sure you are saved (4) Salvation is now

It is a shame that for many believers, death is bigger saviour than Jesus Christ. Only after death, will there be rest, or peace, or health, or anything good. Only after the last breath will their minds be at ease from torment, worry and depression. And yet, this false humility in life could not be further from where the truth of Jesus Christ and salvation is.

Freedom, Hearing God, Prayer, Word of God

Be Sure you are saved (3) The Perfect Sacrifice

Of Jesus however, it says in the book of Hebrews that He died as an offering for sin once, and for all. When He was crucified for the sin of the world, it was for all of them; past, present and future. It was not just for those sins committed up until His death. hence in our lives also, when we receive what He has done, the slate of sin is wiped clean, and in its place He writes “Child of the Most High God!” That is now who you are when you receive Him. A child of God. A forgiven, favoured and loved child of God.

#silhoutte man worshipping at empty cross
Faith, Freedom, Hearing God, Hope

Be sure you are saved (1)

There are so many people living in fear today. Some are in fear of the virus, some are in fear of the vaccine to the virus-deeming it the marker of the antichrist. I will not pretend to know how the end-times will pan out.
Way too many people more gifted than I am, more learned than I am and more mature than I am have been wrong before, and many more will be in this season. One thing I do know however, is there is an assurance of salvation in Christ that is not often spoken of. An assurance that precludes the fear of either the virus or the vaccine.

Authentic, Christmas, Freedom

2020: The Year in Review

Around the end of March, my country announced an intense lockdown. I remember being turned back to go home at a police-stop when we wanted to go to buy groceries. It was frustrating, but that was the season. I know jobs were lost in that season, and many were not paid. And that makes even more grateful to God for my experience during that season.

Dreams, Freedom

Looking beyond 2020: Part 3 – Move

So you have now dared to dream, and it is in black and white on paper. The next step is equally simple, and just as rewarding. Start to move. Begin to take concrete action in the direction of your long term goals and keep track of the milestones you start to achieve on your journey.

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