Munyaradzi Goredema


Authentic, Thoughts

A lesson from Samson

So I was talking to a friend recently; and amongst the topics of discussion came up the issue of Samson—in particular, a few words she said got to me real deep. The question or statement in essence was this; when we read the story of Samson, and how he got himself shorn of his hair […]

Authentic, Poem


Hi, today my blog-post is not intended as a solution or answer to anything or anyone; but it is merely me attempting to express how at times I have felt; as recently as a few days ago. I wrote as a poem, and if anyone resonates or understands how this feels please let me know.



Today I want to write about persistence; an attribute that is sometimes called grit; sheer stubborness and the unwillingness to shift. The merriam-webster dictionary defines persistence as the quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people.   I guess as

Authentic, Hope

The essence of hope

Hi So I had a bracelet made for me yesterday, with the words Faith, hope and love and i like it. I have wanted one like this for a while now, with these very words for they are words and values that I want to live out in my life.  That however is not the

Authentic, Relationships


It’s holiday season; Christmas in particular and I feel compelled to ask just a few questions; mostly to ask out aloud some questions and realizations that have been working through my mind. I honestly feel different this year, this season compared to any other period like this that I remember.  If there ever was a

Authentic, Strongholds

Of Superheroes

Growing up I, like many of my peers, grew up loving cartoons and later on when my age and the realities of my world conspired to allow it movies. I mean, when movies like Spiderman, Batman and Superman where out, my heart would incessantly thud against my then smallish ribcage; excitement surging through each and

Authentic, The Will of God

Political Interlude 1

We understand when it comes to marriage that a process of intelligence and wisdom is necessary in selecting a spouse; and for the greater part of it the body of Christ no longer arranges marriages for people and tells them to just go with it and perform the qualities of a good husband or wife

Authentic, Money

Prosperity is yours

The message that some distort and mistakenly call a prosperity gospel and that others dismiss as not being for the earthly walk has been complicated and twisted and so much has been added and removed that at times it doesn’t make sense. However, of the things we have missed, I believe what it means to

Authentic, Freedom, grace, Strongholds

Sin-it is a battle we can win

Having spoken at relative length on the destructive and pernicious nature of sin, it would be unwise to end there; for in many ways that would only inspire fear. Sin is deadly; and it is because of 1 sin alone, the eating of the wrong tree that there is death, sickness, poverty and all the

Authentic, Dreams, grace, Word of God

I will restore

The manner of post that I will share today will carry a tone I do not often carry; a manner of speaking that may be construed as many things, that can be many things but one that as I write in my heart I carry a conviction that is a manner which at times, even

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