Munyaradzi Goredema


Authentic, Freedom, Thoughts

Mindset (1)

Gen 11:6 And the LORD said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. Pause for a moment, to think and reflect about how crazy this statement actually […]

Authentic, Hearing God, Hope, Humility

Selfish Blessings

In the desert, the children of Israel neither sowed nor reaped. Nor would it have made sense for them to do so, or pray for success is such.

With this in mind, does it make a lot of sense to pray and hope for individual blessing when your nation’s economy is evidently failing?

Authentic, Thoughts


one day at a time, and at times, it was really frustrating to not be able to line all my ducks in a row. It was disappointing, to wake up one day and find hundreds of fish floating dead in my fish pond-killed by the very water that enables them to live. It was frustrating to see my projects stutter, only to crash and with that, know that a sizeable chunk of my funds was done for. And as I said earlier, it has been in many ways a hard year.

Authentic, grace

2021 – A few thoughts

Nevertheless, I have hope. My God is alive-He is not panicking because of either the economy, Covid19 or my chickens which of late had perfected the art of waking up dead. He is not full of anxiety for when my life will become all that He intends it to be-the full measure of the stature of Christ (Ephesians 4 vs 13) and neither should I. After all, as Jesus asked, what can I achieve by worrying?

Authentic, Christmas, Freedom

2020: The Year in Review

Around the end of March, my country announced an intense lockdown. I remember being turned back to go home at a police-stop when we wanted to go to buy groceries. It was frustrating, but that was the season. I know jobs were lost in that season, and many were not paid. And that makes even more grateful to God for my experience during that season.

Authentic, Hope, Prosperity

Looking beyond 2020: Part 2 – Write the vision down

It is a cliché you will find in every self help book and it is definitely not original advice. It is a monotonous drone coming out of every success planning video you will ever listen to and advice as common as table salt. As boring and as old as the advice may sound, it works. And if you have not started doing this before, you need to start today…

Authentic, Ways of God

Pursuing your vision beyond 2020

Covid-19, a historic US election, massive Australian bushfires and the untimely passing of the Black Panther. These are just some of the world-shaping events that have occurred this year, and the reason why for many, 2020 was as apocalyptic a year as we have seen….

hands breaking free from plastic barrier
Authentic, Freedom, Loved, Strongholds

Your Way Out of Shame Part 2

Today, we will look at two things that form a paradox, but that together work powerfully to help us to be free. What I realized about a lot of the shame I carried was that it stemmed from seeking the applause of men. I needed to be seen as upright. I needed to be seen and acknowledged as a certain kind of person. Hence, when I was not the person I claimed to be, I felt frustrated, angry with myself and ashamed that if people saw beneath the facade, they would be disappointed with the truth beneath.

Authentic, Dreams, Hope, Loved

How can I practically rest in God?

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. That is what 2 Corinthians 4 verse 16 says. This however is not a natural disposition for many of us. Many of us are like Doctor Strange in infinity war. Except instead of worrying for a moment, this is our permanent state of mind. Inspite of the fact that we know that Jesus says of his yoke, it is easy and that his burden is light.

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