Munyaradzi Goredema



Today I want to write about persistence; an attribute that is sometimes called grit; sheer stubborness and the unwillingness to shift. The merriam-webster dictionary defines persistence as the quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people.   I guess as […]

Authentic, Hope

The essence of hope

Hi So I had a bracelet made for me yesterday, with the words Faith, hope and love and i like it. I have wanted one like this for a while now, with these very words for they are words and values that I want to live out in my life.  That however is not the

Freedom, Loved

Valentine’s Day

​ So it was Valentine’s Day yesterday; and it may have been a great day or it may have been just like any other day. Whether or not one is a believer; that is not the reason I am writing this blog today. I am writing to the person who yesterday, maybe felt lonely; unlovely


Of Prayer, meditation and reading our Bibles

So today I want to talk about prayer; and reading our bibles; and meditation and all those things we know we need or ought to do but for one reason or another, it seems as though life has us by the tender hooks—as though we stand between a rock and a hard place. The necessity

Authentic, Relationships


It’s holiday season; Christmas in particular and I feel compelled to ask just a few questions; mostly to ask out aloud some questions and realizations that have been working through my mind. I honestly feel different this year, this season compared to any other period like this that I remember.  If there ever was a

The Will of God, Thoughts

#DoomProphet and #AnnointedSewage

​Concerning #DoomProphet and #AnnointedSewage I speak to believers when I write this:  We have witnessed some strange things over the past few years; from people eating grass to people drinking annointed sewage and having doom used as some sort of deliverance tool. Often, there is a knee jerk reaction that castigates such occurrences; both the

Loved, The Will of God, Thoughts

You are

Hey, you, may I have a few minutes of your life to tell you something about yourself? In this fast paced world where the ads all seem to tell me what I am missing and what I should have to be in and just how exactly I need that 1 more unnecessary luxury; I am

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