Munyaradzi Goredema

Dreams, Hearing God, Thoughts

Understanding Your Calling

Have you ever felt conflicted; as though your job and your calling were not aligned, or worse-that it was the polar opposite of who you were? I have, and for me sometimes that feeling left me burning with a deep anxiety-the burning fear and question being am I wasting my life? And another like it-am I pursuing what God really sent me to do or is this secular career interfering with who God has made me?

Faith, Freedom, Hope

Making the most of COVID-19

Some see them as restrictions; but rather than dwell on the excessive fear that death is on my doorstep, why not step into faith and hope and find out what you can do to make the most out of this season….

Dreams, Faith, Hearing God, Hope, Prosperity, Thoughts

Who is like unto God?

The backdrop of life in my country in acute uncertainty, things change and many times it seems not to make sense. To give a picture, or a sense of this, I literally do not know what currency we will be using at the end of the year, what value it will have or whether it will make sense to have savings in the bank or not. Queues appear everywhere, for basic things like fuel, mealie meal and of all things hard cash itself. Bank withdrawals for many are not enough to cover the return fare home, let alone suffice for monthly groceries and tales of gruesome crime by men wielding machetes are on the increase…

Authentic, Freedom, Humility, Loved, Strongholds

What do you believe about yourself?

Somehow, insidiously, an inferiority complex had nested itself in my view of myself-I saw myself as missing an element, an elusive component I could not define, that would otherwise lead me to be effective in my role as leader both at home and work. I could conjure up the dream that said I would see exceeding and abundant provision from God, but I did not see myself as capable of taking the necessary steps to get there. In summary, I realised that I thought of myself as not enough-inadequate to meet the demands of either my current situation or the height of my dreams…

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