Munyaradzi Goredema


Happy Valentine’s Day

What does Valentine’s Day mean to you? Is it a day you hate as a guy because your girl expects a present and you know it is probably going to cost you? Is it a day you hate as a girl or guy because this year you are single and all your friends are going […]


Impossible and Hope

Impossible and Hope Impossible; It is a word too often quoted Too often it is what ends the dream of a child to go to the Olympics; It is that whispered deception it cannot be done that to the human spirit brings despair and hopelessness, a cursed state of spirit where one simply believes what


Open and closed doors

Preamble I wrote this immediately after not getting an attachment place with Unilever. I was not bitter but i was moved in spirit to write and declare this. Two weeks later, this becomes my testimony. i have a horrid 5 minute interview, i stumble through the questions and actually come to a place of saying


The Country I know

I look at the country I know, Zimbabwe, the land of my fathers and of my people I do not like what I see Everywhere I turn, wherever I look, there is bitterness and strife In most, an anger rages beneath the surface, venting itself from time to time on some hapless victim The words

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